Dymitri Harszewski Blog 1660. Comment Reply ID: bnav. 4-19-23 1 of 3.
Hello Tenzin. Our comments are crossing and out of sync, but that's inevitable. So, why would you say I'm "tipped off" by "fanboys" and moderators? "Tipped off"? About comments on my own blog? Lol. (smiley face) No, I call home often, and I've naturally wanted to know all I can about the recent activity here. The info I get is limited, though- for example, I heard you commented my "Perception of Whiteness" post, but until I get the "Reply ID #" from BTB, I still can't respond. I do my best with what's available to me. No one from BTB does me any favors (but.. aren't they "tipping me off" when they mail my comments? (smiley face with a tongue out)). They are, however, always very professional when I write them. As you said, these volunteers do wonderful work.
By now, my 3rd reply to you should be up (beginning "I hope BTB's readers understand..."), but it is not posted as I write this on April 19th. It should be clear that what you seemed to assume was my reply to your relatively mild Apr. 4th comment was actually in response to your screed addressed to AbolishBorders in March. Not sure what to do about the chronology problem-just be aware of it and clearly identify what's being responded to, I guess? It's not so terrible... this could even engender some strain, and that's no tragedy, right?
The trial propaganda you posted doesn't embarrass me. It's upsetting because such drivel harms my friends when they are belittled and labelled "victims" by know-nothing journalists following the know-even-less pigs and prostitutors, but I can't be "embarrassed" by fiction. Yes, the judge "gave me" a 600+ year sentence, but what's left out is his acknowledgement that it was mostly out of his hands. Where the sentencing statutes did leave him a tiny bit of discretion, he chose to "give me" fewer years, not more. I believe he simply opted to not add insult to injury of an already comically cruel sentence. The fiction is that this sentence reflected his idea of justice. I think he was too intelligent for that. And, of course, we have the fictional factasies invented by copes to support charges, just barrels of bullshit sold to frightened and gullible people by cynically opportunistic pigs. You should know that.
I'm so embarrassed by the insanity plea; it made sense. To the minuscule extent I could legally be found "guilty" of any of the charges, and insofar as I was found guilty of the rest, there were only two possibilities.
Possibility ! I was so oblivious to the true "nature and quality" of the acts covered by the laws I was charged under that I was/am legally insane for my inability to comprehend what everyone else perceives so clearly and
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