Oct. 16, 2023

Comment response

by Dymitri Haraszewski (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  The Presumption Of Whiteness thumbnail
The Presumption Of Whiteness
(March 5, 2023)


Dymitri Haraszewski
Blog 1600


Reply ID: ef4b

This is in reply to "jonnysmither"'s comment from early Sept '23. I had to read and re-read it a handful of times, and it's still pretty tough to make out what he's going on about. Gaslighting? Isn't that the term used when someone repeatedly lies to make another second guess his/her own perceptions? "Flip-the-scryptology"? Actually, I can't figure that one out at all. He writes that these things are "on here" but does that mean on my past about "The Presumption of Whiteness" or my blog overall, or all of BTB as a whole? "One of you or your kind..." Apart from being redundant, that sounds like a statement to all BTB bloggers, more or less -- i.e. "convicted criminals." I wonder what a "criminal" is in jonnysmither's mind? Also, whatever it is, does being "convicted" change something?

Gauges. Eh, not a fan myself. I think the traditional piercings are more aesthetically pleasing, though I admit, the gauges do say a lot about a person.

- Dymitri


Replies (1) Replies feed

jazzysmither Posted 1 year, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 1 year ago   Favorite
600 year indeterminate sentence....that tells Me all i need to know...yep this jonny smither...you were real busy too...i'm out here living life living good....it appears you won't see freedom ever again...i sat over 28 years total in the state pen i know what you're dealing with.. i deserved every second I sat..you'll get no reprieve...i paid my debt to society...worth paying too...you'll be alright...just keep your eyes and ears open like you been doing

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