March 20, 2024

Events of 1/16/24 to 1/22/24

by John Peana (author's profile)


On 1/16/24 I got 4 replies from Risk Management. They said in part:

1) "Risk Management has received and reviewed your correspondence dated January 10, 2024 regarding concerns with a peer. Due to privacy laws which protect both you and your peers, you would not be made aware of any information pertaining to the core and/or treatment of a peer."

2) "Risk Management has received and reviewed your correspondence dated January 4, 2024 regarding staff. Please be advised, there is insufficient evidence to support your claims."

3) "Risk Management has received and reviewed your correspondence dated January 4, 2024 regarding staff. Please be advised, there is insufficient evidence to support your claims."

4) "The Risk Management Department has received and reviewed your correspondence dated January 7th, 2024 regarding concerns with being denied several books you recently submitted without written explanation. You are encouraged to refer to the resident media policy which states some books may be disapproved based on individual clinical needs, or due to content being deemed counter-therapeutic. If you have any additional questions regarding this concern, you are encouraged to reach out to your treatment team directly or conduct a chart review."

Then on 1/17/24 I:

1) Sent Danielle Tope, Executive Director the following appeals that said in part:

a) "Reply is insufficient as objection was NOT about another resident. It was about be not being able to work when other residents can without programming.
Next, 'Action Requested' was not answered."

b) "Reply is insufficient as video/audio will show mail was not done. It will also show that mail had to be done on the following shift due to SCTA Santa Maria not doing it. Risk Management needs to STOP trying to cover up staff's actions"

c) "Reply is insufficient as video/audio will show all I said in my complaint. Risk Management needs to STOP trying to cover up staff's actions/behavior."

d) "Reply is insufficient as TX team is who did not give reasons for denying the books and I have already did chart review and reasons are not in there.
Next, 'Action Requested' was not answered."

2) I sent Alyssa Luley, Director of Risk Management the following "Objection to Care and Treatment", it said:
under "Description of Problem":
"On 1/5/24 I sent Risk Management complains on:
1) SCTA Santa Maria + concerning him not doing mail on 11pm-7am shift.
2) SCTA Rigari trying to antagonize me and trigger me.

Then on 1/16/24 I received the same reply for both dated 1/9/24 from Dylan Fournier. They said: "Risk Management has received and reviewed your correspondence dated January 4, 2024 regarding staff. Please be advised, there is insufficient evidence to support your claims."
Video/Audio will prove all I wrote in my complaints. My attorney has informed me he will get the video/audio and review it to confirm all I wrote.

Under "Action Requested":
"That both SCTA's be delt with accordingly and Dylan Fournier, Risk Management be reprimanded accordingly for trying to cover up staff misconduct. That I be told the outcome of all this".

Then on 1/19/24 another resident come to the building I am in who was the excuse on why I could not go to building 41 as he had broke my nose.
Why are we in the same building??

Then on 1/22/24 I sent Risk Management the following
"Objections to Care and Treatment". They said in part:

a) under "Description of Problem":
"I have been told over and over that I could not go to Building 41 due to resident "M" being over there. Well on 1/19/24 Mr. "M" was moved to ward 604 (which is in building 39, where I reside in ward 405). This is very confusing to me. How can we now reside in the building?"

Under "Action Requested"
"That I be sent to building 41 or be told in writing what I also have to do to go to building 41 and why won't go at this time. Also, I be told how it is appropriate for me and resident "M" to be in the same building when I've been told we could not be in the same building. I want this in writing also."

b) Under "Description of Problem":
"For approximately 9 years we have been told that us being able to have/use tablets (as prisoners already do have + have for years) was being looked into. To date we still don't have them and the answer we receive over + over (for years) is that it is being worked on."

Under "Action Requested":
"That we be given Tablets [or]
1) I be told in writing what the hold up is on us getting them
2) I be told what the process is for us being able to get them and what step in the process the facility is at.
If none of this will be done, I be told in writing why."

c) Under "Description of Problem":
"For the past approximately 4 years rec/yard times have been limited down to 3-4 hours a day with select wards. Prior to this all wards (except separations) were able to have approximately 10 hours a day for rec/yard."

Under "Action Requested":
"That rec/yard times be put back to what they were and ALL wards be able to go to rec/yard during those times (except separations). If this won't be done, I be told why in writing."


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jsangva3 Posted 4 months, 1 week ago. ✓ Mailed 3 months, 2 weeks ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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