June 14, 2012


by Kelly Jones (author's profile)



Hello, everyone! I know I haven't written in quite a while. This has been for a variety of reasons. One is because I thought I was deluding myself into thinking that anyone would read this. Alas, I've been very depressed and busier than crap with legal work. When I'm not doing legal work, the last thing I want to do is write. So, if I'm not crocheting and watching TV or listening to Coast to Coast, I'm engrossed in some book to try and take myself away.

A lot has happened, I suppose, but I don't know where I left off and I don't have copies of anything. I suppose I need to start making copies. So I may repeat myself.

I've written a couple of letters to Between the Bars asking if we can email our postings via the BOP's email system, Corrlinks, but so far no one's replied. That would be so much easier, faster, and up to date. Would someone please encourage the good folks at BTB to allow us to do this?

As I recall, I was still in my last cell and miserable. Well, several weeks ago, I was in the counselor's office getting soap and he said that he'd be moving me soon because I had a bottom bunk pass and was on the top bunk. I had given up my bottom bunk pass in a previous cell to move in with this guy 'cause I have a weakness for muscles. Then he turned out to be a jerk.

Anyway, my bottom bunk pass had expired. It was temporary after I was assaulted last November. Well, the Counselor said that it had been updated and so he had to move me. I sure didn't argue.

I traded cells with some obnoxious black dude and was moved in with Tommy, a white guy near 60 (although he's very athletic and in great shape). Tommy's been locked up for 37 years with only a small break and was recently in a USP. He is super nice and a great cellie. I hope I don't bug him too much with my late nights 'cause he's a morning person and we are on opposite schedules, but so far there hasn't been any real problems.

Just this morning, I sent off my latest motion. I have a civil suit filed against the staff at FMC-Rochester where I was last, for harassment and retaliation. The magistrate judge—who is a complete ASSHOLE—is arguing strenuously for the defendants/staff that it should be dismissed. I had these same two judges on my habeas corpus case which I was working on before this motion and now in the Court of Appeals. I will be shocked if to don't have to appeal this case too.

Earlier this month, I received notice that the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals (the civil cases above are in the 8th Circuit) denied my appeal in my criminal case which means I'm facing fourteen more years (I've done eight). They won't even consider hearing my appeal, which I know I could win.

The reason for this is because when I filed my case to attack any conviction in the district court (called a 2255 petition), the district court never sent me the final order. This is the only filing from the court that I never received and it's the most important. By the time I found out about the final order—which denied my case, as expected—the date to file an appeal had long passed. So now the Court of Appeals won't even hear my appeal 'cause of some stupid fucking procedural error. I can't believe this and it's so unfair.

I knew the district court judge would deny it (Judge John) 'cause he is a biased Nazi fuck who did a lot of shady rulings in my case and screwed up a lot of things on his own. But I can do nothing about, and he's getting away with it.

Whew! We made it through this week relatively unscathed. We were shaken down two weeks ago when they were mainly going after all the "stores". Guys in the unit have "stores", meaning if you want some commissary (a snack, a soda, etc.), you go to the store man and pay him stamps or buy other commissary for him later. Stamps are used for money in prison. Anyway, someone undoubtedly rattled on the store guys, most likely someone who went to the Hole.

Then, a week ago on Thursday, it was fairly hellish. Earlier in the week, someone went to the Hole for drinking (who is totally hot, by the way, and I really miss seeing him). So the psycho bitch AW (Assistant Warden) first shook down Virginia unit and then ours. They took my typewriter (again, which I got back), a few library books, and all my gay magazines. Assholes.

Then, right after lunch, two guys got into a fight so they locked us in our cells all afternoon. That sucked. It was an all around bad day.

The only excitement this week was today. One guy, whom I call Freakshow Freddie, started some more of his crap. This guy—who's gay, a sex offender, and a nasty whore—has spent more time in the Hole than on the compound. Previously, he cried "Nope" twice and sent guys to the Hole along with himself. The guys always get out before he does (what does that tell you?) and I heard he's done that at other places.

Today at lunch, he went up to SIS (the investigative people) and told them that two guys here offered to pay him $100 to cry rape (or something) against a third guy. That was obviously a big mess, and everyone involved got chewed out (at least). So far, I haven't seen Freddie since the 4:00 count and people are asking if he's in the Hole again. Probably. When he got out last time (a couple of months ago), I wanted to set up a pool where everyone could pick a date for when he goes back to the Hole. I guess I should have.

If that sounds bad—HELLO—he's in the Hole again! I had that idea after the first time he cried rape. He was "raped" in the bathroom of the kitchen which didn't have a door and where guys are constantly working, with a guy he had sex with previous and possibly paid him—NOT. Freddie is TROUBLE.

Well, yesterday was the full moon and a lunar eclipse. Today is the Venus Transit of the sun. Hmm... there are things going on, and I hope for positive changes.

Love to all!


Replies (2) Replies feed

tinatina Posted 12 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Hey Kelly,

Thank you for your post, I hope you keep writing.

Kelly Jones Posted 12 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

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