June 5, 2012 - Tuesday - 11:09 pm Good evening readers of
Phonejustice - Tonight I received a post card from Between The
Bars - inviting me to write this piece on the cost of making
phone calls from prison. Sadly - being on Florida's death row
means the only time I will have phone privileges is when my death
warrant is signed - which did happen in 1987 - at that time I
was allowed to make two - fifteen minute phone calls a week,
and the person I called had to be on my visiting list. That was
twenty-five years ago, and tonight as I write this the threat
of my death warrant being signed again is a real possibility.
But I will not be making any phone calls at that time, because
I have no one to call. My only mode of communication with
the outside world is through correspondence, and thanks to the
graciousness of Between the Bars - I now have a blog. My
Father's Day will be spent writing for the blog - as I continue
on my quest to obtain my vindication of any kind of murder,
and never again sit on death watch with no one to call. It's a
tragic irony what the cost of a phone call means to me while
I retain the long standing hope to overcome that cost...
Milo Rose
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Best Regards, Todd
I am writing to let you know about Prison Action News, a biannual journal of prisoners' stories of resistance to incarceration. Written by prisoners and edited and distributed by outside volunteers, PAN has about 1,600 incarcerated subscribers across the US. It is a great outlet to both read and publish stories about fighting exorbitant phone prices, or any other oppressive aspect of prison life. If you would like a free subscription to PAN, write to:
PO Box 832
Watertown, MA 02472