July 10, 2012
From Ms. Precious by Chris Rogers (author's profile)


"Nation Inside: Communication Strategies Against Mass Incarceration"


...Listed below is some stuff pertaining to prison and conditions of prison. Hopefully it will help spread the message so voices can be heard and ideas shared nationwide for a better place.

Some of the most pressing issues today in prison is phone access to family and loved ones. Inmates only get like a 15-20 minute call (collect) and generally cost anywhere around 10 dollars or more. All calls are recorded and monitored with no privacy at all, which has to be against civil or constitutional rights. Ad-Seg inmates don't even have access to a phone call except if it's an immediate death in the family, and even then it's only a 5-minue collect call.

Also there is the food. If someone was to look at all Texas prisoners and see how much they weigh it would show underweight, malnutrition, complete skin and bones. We are served maybe 1/2 a serving at a McDonald's kid's meal, if that. The food is always cold or spoiled. They try to make it look good only if there is an important visitor, just to cover up the real treatment.

They also use "chemical" agents or chemical gas or spray on inmates who they "claim" get out of control and use excessive force, beating up shackled prisoners. These chemicals are mainly tested on inmates which in the long run could have health effects. But yet they call prison rehabilitation?? It's really torture and slavery.

We need as many people outside for support on our rights and more people to pass the word around so people can become fully aware of the treatment prisoners receive. Ask yourself, what if you or a family member or a friend was in prison?? We need more programs, educational programs, religious programs, stuff that will really help an inmate better their future. We need positive rehab to help us be positive people in society. We don't need to be just locked down, sometimes 24 hours a day, 7 days/week. Some inmates don't even have access to any fresh air or sunlight.

We can make a difference if we all come together. Please think of our harsh and cruel place prison is. It keeps family's broken apart, parents and children separated.

Thank you for your time and feel free to contact me below with any information or ideas on prisoner support groups.

In peace, love, unity.

Chris Rogers #1393423
Allred Unit
2101 F.M. 369 N
Iowa Park, Texas. 76367

June 2012


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