Aug. 23, 2012
by Kelly Jones (author's profile)


August 23, 2012

"Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained." --William Blake, 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'

SUPPORT BLACK AND PINK!! (I think) They are a huge support for prisoners!

OK...what's been going on? Well, the animal they moved in with me totally made me miserable. The night after he had the overhead light on till 2:30 a.m., he blasted his radio until 4:00 a.m. It had been arranged that he would move the next day (or so) in with a "home boy" of his, and then a guy I know who was moved over from the drug program who is gay was gonna move in my cell 'cause they stuck him in with some muslim piece of crap. Well, my cellie, who didn't want to be with a gay anyway, suddenly changed his mind at the last minute and didn't want to move in with his homeboy. This screwed up 2 other moves (the guy from that cell was gonna move in where my friend was, and no one could move unless this guy did). I don't know what this guy's problem is, but...whatever.

Anyway...what ended up happening is that he changed his mind later on after it was too late to move that day and so it was postponed a day. My friend ended up trading with the guy who was gonna move to his cell anyway for just one night, and then he and my cellie traded the next day. What a drama all because of this animal with no class who doesn't know how to act and has no respect for anyone but himself.

So, last night was the first night with my friend. Wow, what a relief to be with someone you're friends with and with whom you can relate. We stayed up till almost 1 a.m. talking and gossiping before he went to bed, and it was really nice. The only problem is that he gets out at the end of September and I'm gonna be up a creek all over again. I'm gonna have to put out some positive thoughts and hopefully things will work out.

I'm still fairly depressed, although not as bad as I was. I'm re-reading the "Game of Thrones" series all over again right after I finished the 5th book. Y'all...I am telling you, that is probably the best series of books I have ever read, and even people who don't like fantasy enjoy these books a lot. THe story is great and for me it's addicting. I am going NUTS since I finished the 5th book and he hasn't come out with the 6th yet so the story is left hanging. ARGH!! WHAT HAPPENA NEXT???? It's killing me. Then, I know when he does finally finish the 6th book I'm gonna be in the same predicament all over again. I highly recommend those books (by George R. R. Martin).

Not much else to report...just trying to keep on trudging and try to get some positive energy. All positive energy is welcomed, folks.




Replies (2) Replies feed

Bassqueen007 Posted 12 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hey girlie :)
Decided to read a bit of your blog as suggested. The blog looks nice and is easy to navigate. I am thrilled that you have access to write in a public forum to let people see what life is like for you. It truly breaks my heart because I know you so well and probably better than anyone. I pray for your peace of mind and spirit daily. So keep writing and I hope you get the cellie thing worked out because the current one is a shitcake. Love you long, long time xoxoxox <3

Kelly Jones Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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