Sept. 27, 2012

Never Attribute To Malice What Can Be Explain By Ignoranace

by Robert Russell (author's profile)


September 10, 2012 #26


A very wise man Iknow, Buzz Brewer, once gave me those words of wosdom. Like most things in life it has taken me a decade to "get it". All to often in life we take it as a personal insult what was no way intended to be one. Sometimes our mind set is just in a different place, we are "not on the same page" with our perceived adversary.

A case in point would be my urrent situation. I livw with a man in a 6" x 10' cell. He has live in this cell for five years of his life. In his ignorance he believes that he should tell me how I should cover the window when rest room is being used, or when I can have my half of the back window covered. My initial reacton was that this guy has got to be kididng, I was toilet trained at age tw0! That I know whwn I can cover the window and when I can't, that he is attempting to inflict his will upon me. Anger is natural in that situation. The problem is: Is that in fct the situation?

Could it be hat he is merely trying to be helpful and friendly? It very well could be tha the does not realise that I find his inout to be offensive, that I prefer to mind my own business and desire others to do the same. So I must not react in anger, but rather act out of love by letting him know how I feel. I must di it in a lovong way, a way that will avoid confrontation. Sounds logical doesn't it?

The problem is at this moment in time I feel offended and confrontational. So I absolutely have to wait until I can be kind and genle, which will not be easy because he will most likely continue behaviour that ticks me off. Sort of a catch 22. That is what is so good about this whole thing. It is a wonderful chance to grow in grace and mercy, to become that man of gentle integrity I so wish to be. So "count it all joy when you fall into various trials."

Be well and treat each other with kindness and love. We reap what we so. Peace.


Replies (3) Replies feed

RussFamily Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Good points! I would add incompetence to ignorance, and other words like distraction and preoccupation, etc. Discerning another person's motivation is always a risky business!
Prayer and patience are helpful.
Russ, Sr.

Deblegs Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Robert Russell Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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