Oct. 14, 2012

What's Your Greatest Weakness?

by Rechell Williams (author's profile)


What's Your Greatest Weakness? 9-14-12

Self-help gurus assure us that we can overcome any weakness so it must be true, right? Look around you! The evidence doesn't show it. What we have seen, however, are people who, with God's help, have changed their lives by building on time-tested scriptural principles. Trying to "cure" your weaknesses just wastes valuable time and energy that could be redirected toward healthier pursuits. For example, when an addict stays clean, does that mean they are no longer vulnerable in that area? No, it just means they have filled the vacuum with something better. But what about all those socially acceptable weaknesses that masquerade as strengths, like perfectionism, materialism, judgementalism and status-seeking? Many who would be ashamed to admit they are an alcoholic are proud to be a workaholic. Driven by fear and obsessed with time, they are totally focused on doing instead of being. That is, until their obsession with not having enough, and not being enough, lands them in cardiac rehab, bargaining with God for another chance. Constantly dwelling on a weakness just reinforces it, whereas applying the scriptural solution brings results. And the good news is you don't have to do it alone. God is available to help you. His grace is all we need and His power works best in our weaknesses.

:) You're loved!

Rechell Williams #V69138
P.O. Box 5242
Corcoran, CA 93212


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