Unhealthy Comparisons 10-5-12
A certain level of comparison is good. You need it. When children enter a spelling contest they study harder and learn more because they're going to compete. They know their academic prowess is about to be challenged and they prepare for it because we all like to win. But when your competitiveness makes you feel "less than" or "better than" another person, it's gone too far. When people measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. To evaluate your success accurately you must first understand your God-given purpose.
When you play on a team, your position determines your purpose. Attackers and defenders have different skills, but to win, the team needs both. The defender who keeps the opposing team from scoring is just as valuable as the attackers who score. One may get more applause than the other, but victory belongs to them all.
When you keep comparing yourself with others, you're denied a sense of accomplishment, because you've made a benchmark to be like somebody else. They have a different purpose. They are playing a different position. They have a different skill set designed for a specific role. You're given everything you need to fulfill your role. Embrace it and utilize it with pride. God gave others the ability to excel at what they do, and He will do the same for you and me.
Prison allows me to focus on what my abilities are to excel and be a contribution to our nation, not a hindrance. A stand-out, not a statistic. A helping hand, not a hand held out. A speaker, not an unspoken. A looked up to, not frowned upon... I think you get the picture. Do you?
Rechell Williams #V69138
P.O. Box 5242
Corcoran, CA 93212
2016 aug 5
2016 jul 25
2016 jun 25
2016 jun 13
2016 may 28
2016 may 26
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