Jan. 20, 2013

The Mystery

From JustUs4Michael by Michael Lucas (author's profile)



HOOK: If u can c if u can solve the mystery/the answer revolves around ur history/so carefully/I drop this degree/scientifically/and realistically/who is god?

1st VERSE: In eternal blackness/in the mist of the darkest night/proteins and minerals/exist within specks of light/solids, liquids and gases/in sparks the life/with infinite lengths and widths and depths and heights/no beginning or ending/with 7 dimensions/enough space for more than a million worlds and inventions/to travel through time/with enough room/to be the womb/of the most high's great mind/which he would soon make shine/with intelligent elements/in sight that he would gather/in the realm of relativity/electricity struck matter/energies explode and he reload/and keep releasing/atoms by the millions/until the numbers increasing/till it was burning/he kept returning himself to the source/the hotter his thoughts/it gave his center more force/he gave birth to the sun/which would follow his laws/all caused/by his mental intercourse/WHO IS GOD?/ HOOK/

2nd VERSE: he began to explain his craft/the master in the attic/he dealt with measurements/his language was mathematics/his theorical wisdom/of the numerical system/to complete number 9/which means born or existing/he gave birth/to all planets/inorganic/and organic/so you wouldn't take it for granted/they rotate at their own distance/around the sun/and fully submit/to the existence of one/and each one was promised/everlasting perfection/if each one keeps spinnin'/in the same direction/to the EAST/and each speak the motion of peace/and harmony/and each show devotion and teach/the universe is to come/the whole world must go according/or our galaxy's a mirage/and stars start fallin'/so stay in your orbit/maintain safe and sound/like the planets your cipher/remains perfectly round/HOOK/

3rd VERSE: From unconsciousness to consciousness/a knowledge in his wisdom/his response is this/an understanding/which is the best part/he picked the 3rd planet/where he formed life would start/be pursued/show & prove/every move in order/back to the source/he let off his resources/in the water/climb his climax/where the climate/is at high degrees/he start to breathe/deep in the darkest seas/and the plan/is to lay in the clay/to form land/and expand/using the same clay/to born man/in his own image/our origin begins in the EAST/culturized and free/with the powers of peace/deal in equality/nature's policy is to be GOD/build and destroy/positively/born life like Allah/and each one was giving/everlasting perfection/if each one keeps living/in the same direction/and life was life/and love was love/we went according by the laws/of the worlds above/and showed us physically/we can reach infinity/but mentally/through the century/we lost our identity/life started ending/we got strife/and started sinning/lost touch with the beginning/now our cipher stop spinning/and what was once easy/became confused and hard/which brings us back/to the mystic question/who is god?/66 trillion years/since his face was shown/when the 7th angel appears/the mystery will be known/check Revelations and Genesis/St. Luke and John/it even tells us we are gods/in the Holy Quran/wisdom strength and beauty/one of the meanings of GOD/G.O.D., you and me/going Gomar Oz Dubar/knowledge wisdom understanding/sun moon and star/man woman and child/ and so was ALLAH!



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