July 2, 2011
by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


Timothy J. Muise, #W66927
MCI Shirley
P.O. Box 1218
Shirley, MA

June 23, 2011

Dearest Friend:

Hello! Sorry I have not been so diligent as I should with my communication, but these have been trying times for me. The medical issues, the frequent moves, and the falling behind on all my projects have left me a bit behind the eight ball.

I am happy, though, to report that I have put in quite a bit of work toward this Medical Release Bill (#SB-1213), which will be heard in the Senate on 07/26/2011.I have personally sent out hundreds (literally hundreds) of flyers asking citizens to contact their local senator to urge them to support this measure. Just like many of you, I don't have a lot of confidence in this process. But I do feel that we can make a difference with a full-blown assault through the mail, email, and phone. If these political hacks see a movement building, maybe we can get a commonsense bill like this medical release one passed. Let's direct our prayers toward a successful resolution.

I have also been working extremely hard to make a legislative tour of the hospital units here a reality, and we have made great strides in that direction. Many, many letters have been directed to Laura Everett (Massachusetts Council of Churches) and Pat Jehlen, urging them to come in and see for themselves the men who reside in these units—men who no longer pose any threat to the safety of the public.

This is the real glaring example of where justice must be tempered with mercy. I believe that when a tour comes through here, we will win the hearts of these men and women to the cause for reform.

As you know, I want to a movement of the people. A movement we will someday soon take to the streets in protest of the PUBLIC SAFETY NIGHTMARE that is the DOC. Please buy some comfy shoes and prepare for that day, as I plan to call on YOU for your involvement! I know I can count on YOU!

We must employ the spirit of UNITY in order to shed MASS light on the failure. ALL Personal agendas must be put aside while we take to the streets. Men and women die in our streets because the failure of our prison systems stays hidden behind the walls and razor wire.

My leg infection has subsided, but there are still some serious concerns with the injury. I met with the infectious disease doctor (Dr. Stone from the Shattuck Hospital), and his words were, "you're not out of the woods yet!" So I was a bit disappointed. The leg is still slightly swollen, sore, and discolored. My hopes are that it will heal fully with time. It's a work in progress for now—slow progress.

I need to do more to take care of myself. It is one of the few areas I feel I have left unaddressed in my transformation efforts, but we all have those areas of failure. Just need to work to improve. I ask my friends to keep reminding me that I must be more diligent in this area.

As I stated before, I have been sending out hundreds of flyers and letters seeking support for the projects. It has left me a bit broke and without much needed postage. I am uncomfortable asking for help and really have never made a plea for any financial assistance in the past, but some of the men in here have urged me to ask for a bit of assistance at this time.

What I would ask supporters to do is to send me a check or money order for $5. If I can get a few of my close friends and supporters to send this amount, I feel I can purchase enough stamps to make some of the more pressing projects successful. I fully realize how you are struggling out there, but if you can send $5 to the cause, it will be greatly appreciated. The Revolution will not be televised, but it must be funded! Thank you for your consideration.

We are the engine that will drive the abusers into the ground. Without your care and concern, the humanity you display in all your selfless efforts, more children would die in our streets. You are powerful! Powerful beyond belief!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we area powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
—Marianne Williams

Thank you for everything you do! Please contact me as soon as possible, as you drive me to succeed. What more can one friend do for another?

Trust & Believe,


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