1-9-13 Running By LeVar E. Jones©2013
As long as I keep breathings, I'll write my feelings down,
They may help someone turn their life around.
I don't write these words to get a fabulous story,
Nor did I write them to try to win peoples glory.
I never thought that I would have so much poetry,
and like long walks to be taken, by people who be annoying me.
People told my that my poetry us raw, deep, and intense,
a very creative mind, once I got locked behind this fence.
Positive feedback but still I am not known.
Ponder whose there, as my son is getting grown.
I look over my life, and I shake my head in disgust,
feel the world is against me, so really who can I trust?
Try to stay positive, thinking about my life,
I am a better man now, despite me having 2 strikes,
I'm very blessed tattoos remind me of where I've been,
reminds me where I found my talent, wasting ink in my pen.
If it wasn't for the arrest, and cuffs going click clack,
I'll still be lazy with no poems, if hands aint behind my back.
Everything has a purpose, everything has its reasons.
To my mom & dad, I love you for all seasons.
My girl is still down I think, I think she's on my team,
so I think I'm devoted to making her the woman of my dreams.
I thank God for my mind, my talent, its a long time coming,
for this race is far from over, so I'll just keep on running.
2018 aug 29
2017 jan 28
2016 dec 22
2016 dec 21
2016 dec 19
2016 dec 18
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--C.B.B. (candleships)