I have read almost every blog you wrote an see that there is alot that you went through as a young adult /teen .Through all this you have been very well educated and seem to have a very good head on your shoulders. I think you will make a difference if mote teens/young adults heard your story . Wishing you the best. Toni Smith
your acute case of Trump derangement syndrome is not reconcilable with you being a "christian"...yor just a typical, run-of-the-mill prisoner who hates the authority keeping you incarcerated and you merely jump on the "fuck the system" bandwagon only because yor peers are the same, America-hating way...I did pray to Almighty God and Jesus above that Trump would smash that satan/devil camel horris and God, in His Majesty, answered My heartfelt prayers and installed the Great Man Donald J.Trump as My president and your president...your pathetic confusion will go away before too long once Trump handles Our business...Trump (God) bless you sweetheart...
the dude you referenced escaping from a transport van....thats gotta be a dude named welch...in a wisconsin prison...claimed he was a cali peckerwood...whether that's true is unknown...he was a hired gun tasked to take out some dudes woman...he suceeded but left a trail that the cops found...kind of a short, smaller sized dude....when i say i was too radical, i meant that the guy i'm referencing did not get into screamiung the N word at the idiots and getting into all the verbal combat that i did with the undesirables...this dude felt that it was somewhat uncomfortable and awkward to be a part of that and thus distanced himself from me...if nothing else, get yourself to minimum security and then you'll have access to the streets...you may or may not get your case overturned but you'll be in minimum and have a chance to be a more productive individual with way more opportunities to live like a free person...classification will hand out overrides once in awhile and you can be in min custody living much better than you are now...an 8th amen claim settlement on your books makes doing time much more tolerable...you can purchase all the zoos-zoos and wa-wams you want and, never share your shit with anyone....what i'm saying here can happen just gotta make it happen.....
Hello my friend, I am sad you are there. I was curious where you were after all these years.I was shocked by what you had done. Sorry your life took a turn for the worst. I remember our last day a little different, you had to go back to job core that was it.never heard from you again. I was sad but understood. I moved to East Coast afterwards, then California.I hope you Are doing better.Why did you do what you did. I don't remember you ever being angry or violent. I will write you hear from now. I think of you often. Love you my dearest friend.Dee
Hi Charles. Glad to see you are using your time so wisely and productively. Critical to become involved in things that mean something to you Bravo Leah Aubrecht (From Canada)
Leah Aubrecht
(From Canada)