Hi my name is Felix Cruz I was looking up my name and you popped up. Its interesting because i been looking up people with my name and most of us have similar qualities i hope you are doing well best of luck
Suffering is universal, and compassion is the universal answer to suffering as far as I can tell. I am sorry you are lonely, I often am too even in rooms full of people. You arent alone in this world, though! I look forward to reading more of your blog posts, and appreciate the time and heart you have put into them!
I just wanted to thank you for being the change you want to see inside, and in the world. The energies of love and peace are the most uniting forces humans can create, and you choosing to create this experience for yourself is very inspiring! Thank you for sharing!
Transcription complete. Thanks much for writing.
Take care.
Transcription is complete. Thanks for writing. Your thoughts are much appreciated.
Take care.
"When it is darkest, men see the stars."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Felix A Cruz Jr
Sarah in Colorado
Sarah in Colorado