Eric, I often pity the criminals tied up in a corrupt system, but whenever I get on the topic of mistreatment to prisoners with someone I get stone-walled by the opinions of the majority. But, we have to draw the line when corrections officials are commiting crimes in and amongst their daily routines of which the tax payers fund. At that point, shouldn't they assume their positions on the other side of the bars? The country and states have settled on a punishment of incarceration, restricted socialization, and loss of privacy, holidays with families, trips to parks, movies, beaches, etc. These are the punishments correction officers are paid to enforce. No where in the job discription does it say judge the inmates, invent punishments, play favorites, use prisoners for self-gratfication, etc. I've recently learned about the gladiator fights being organized by prison guards in several reformatories. I just couldn't believe it. How far backwards will we be willing to go? The prison employees even place bets. In the days of the original gladiator battles when the fighter earned a victory the retained their lowly gladiator status, but they did get respect, prizes, and privliges. In todays prison-based gladiator battles the victor is awarded with an assault or murder charge. And, the rowdy, place-your-bets fans quickly put their professional masks back on and act as though they are clueless as to why that just happened. You are right in assuming a more behaved incarcerated population would entice better treatment, but regardless of how inmates behave, the actions of the authorities should never resemble those of the criminals. Now, to bring up your topic of interest about inmates as a whole behaving like animals, this is what they walked in on when they were admitted, and most people in that situation would react by mimicing the behaviors of the majority because it is the best way to avoid confrontation. And, as for your topic of recidivsm, I think that it occurs so often because of the experiences one has while in prison as well as the fact that in this economy, and with a criminal record, it is often easier to lead a criminal life to obtain your financial needs than it is to go the traditional route. But, like anything, people get greedy and careless, thus recidivism. What would need to occur to promote respectable behavior amongst inmates is a prison-wide pride associated with positive behavior. How much would it blow the gambling guards minds if the rival gang members simply didn't fight. Both would have to want to prove that that is below him and he would have to feel proud about his actions and receive positive feedback from his peers. In my opinion, that is the only way we could get entire prison populations to take part in changing the publics opinion about inmates. And, how likely do you think it is that will occur? Jessica
Once again I have to laugh at this idiot. What about the big hunger strike that he might not live through? I can't wait for the next installment of B.S. from poor Ronnie. "The Death Row Idiot" is more like it.
thanks for writing this blog, found what you were saying to be very interesting and good to hear from someone who is not afraid to speak out, cant believe what goes on behind the prison walls
I often pity the criminals tied up in a corrupt system, but whenever I get on the topic of mistreatment to prisoners with someone I get stone-walled by the opinions of the majority. But, we have to draw the line when corrections officials are commiting crimes in and amongst their daily routines of which the tax payers fund. At that point, shouldn't they assume their positions on the other side of the bars? The country and states have settled on a punishment of incarceration, restricted socialization, and loss of privacy, holidays with families, trips to parks, movies, beaches, etc. These are the punishments correction officers are paid to enforce. No where in the job discription does it say judge the inmates, invent punishments, play favorites, use prisoners for self-gratfication, etc. I've recently learned about the gladiator fights being organized by prison guards in several reformatories. I just couldn't believe it. How far backwards will we be willing to go? The prison employees even place bets. In the days of the original gladiator battles when the fighter earned a victory the retained their lowly gladiator status, but they did get respect, prizes, and privliges. In todays prison-based gladiator battles the victor is awarded with an assault or murder charge. And, the rowdy, place-your-bets fans quickly put their professional masks back on and act as though they are clueless as to why that just happened.
You are right in assuming a more behaved incarcerated population would entice better treatment, but regardless of how inmates behave, the actions of the authorities should never resemble those of the criminals.
Now, to bring up your topic of interest about inmates as a whole behaving like animals, this is what they walked in on when they were admitted, and most people in that situation would react by mimicing the behaviors of the majority because it is the best way to avoid confrontation. And, as for your topic of recidivsm, I think that it occurs so often because of the experiences one has while in prison as well as the fact that in this economy, and with a criminal record, it is often easier to lead a criminal life to obtain your financial needs than it is to go the traditional route. But, like anything, people get greedy and careless, thus recidivism. What would need to occur to promote respectable behavior amongst inmates is a prison-wide pride associated with positive behavior. How much would it blow the gambling guards minds if the rival gang members simply didn't fight. Both would have to want to prove that that is below him and he would have to feel proud about his actions and receive positive feedback from his peers. In my opinion, that is the only way we could get entire prison populations to take part in changing the publics opinion about inmates. And, how likely do you think it is that will occur? Jessica
Transcription complete. Thanks much for writing, hope it's helping transform that past sadness into something stronger. Hearts out to your Mother.
Take care.
Transcription complete. Thanks much for writing. Take care.