Dear Jack, First of all, awesome! You share my sister's birthday and that's really cool! 1) I'm sixteen. 2) I'm still in high school and I do online-school. 3) I really like certain TV shows which make me super happy! I love theatre, journaling and writing which makes me happy. As for what makes me sad, I don't have a lot of friends because I'm online-schooled so I get lonely a lot which sucks. Also, I have a pretty low self esteem so ya know, there's that. 4) I mentioned above that I like theatre, journaling and writing! I journal at least once a week to capture what's happening in my life. It's really nice and therapeutic. Sometimes I don't write about emotions, though. Sometimes I just write fun facts or just things I want to talk about but feel like I'd annoy people with. 5) I love all sorts of things, which I know is a vague answer. I like David Bowie and Bruce Springsteen a lot, and a bit of Jimmy Buffet and Neil Diamond. I also like The Cure, though. I'm not super into new bands, to be honest. Pete Seeger is by far my favorite musician. 6) I honestly don't read much at all! I read fan fiction a lot though, if you know what that is. It's basically like fans of a certain TV show, video game, book, movie, anything, will create their own stories using those characters.
I would like to, but my mother isn't super comfortable with the idea of sharing an address, which I have to respect. Also, I don't have a P.O. box. However, when you get closer to getting out (which I'm super happy is in a year!), I can give you my email address so we can keep messaging each other.
So here are more questions for you. Again, you don't have to answer all these questions if you don't feel comfortable. 1) What's your favorite animal? A kind of silly question, I know. 2) Where were you born? 3) I don't know if this is really rude to ask, but how long have you been in prison? 4) Do you have a family? A significant other/spouse? 5) What kind of music do you like? (I'm throwing that question back at you!) 6) What's a TV show you remember from your childhood?
That's all I'm going to write for today. I hope to hear from you soon! -Grace
Dear Kelly, I'm sorry things have been so awful for you. I really hope things get better for you. I hope you know that you have somebody in Illinois praying for you and sending you happier vibes. -Grace
Dear Kelly, For me, Illinois is pretty boring. But I guess boring is nice, isn't it? I rarely go up to Chicago, about once a year. When I do, it's to see the aquarium. I personally find fish really gross to be honest, but it's still fun! Plays are super fun! What plays were you in, if you remember? My theatre company is doing Beauty and The Beast this year. Like I said, I can't dance or sing, but I'm doing the makeup for it so I'm excited for that! There's a lot of fun makeup in it so that'll be great. I hope you're doing well. I wish you the best. I found another quote, if you'd like! Obviously you don't have to use these, I'd just like to share since I know you like quotes. This one doesn't so much come from a person, though, as it actually comes from a dumb TV show. "Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere." It's from a dumb cartoon called Rick and Morty, which is a sci-fi thing with adult humor. It's about a grandpa and his grandson travelling dimensions and different planets. But anyways, the quote sounds super dark but it's actually not in context. The character is saying that the idea of a purpose in life, fitting in is a romantic ideal. It's okay not to fit in because nobody ever fits in. Nobody has a purpose in life to fulfill. This of course, is just an idea and nobody has to agree with it. I just found it to be an interesting philosophy on life. Anyways, I hope you're doing well. -Grace
This is Ben Lavry. I am writing to let you know that I have discovered this wonderful resource. I had already read your essay submitted to Social Garbage. I will read it again as well as your other posts as time permits.
I recently received your latest letter and will respond to it soon.
The multiple interviews with Piankhi exposes me as working side by side with a friend, a brother and creative writing partner, and loyal to the vision of a younger black man, and how respect for the intellect of a true comrade provides for a natural work environment without hangups, and the level of respect Piankhi has for the Xzyzst people don't know, Piankhi, if nothing else, should be viewed by my children as a real uncle because of the true family oriented methodology direction we took, towards the production of all of these interviews. I want my children to see that their father is proof that no DNA test is required to prove another man to be a true brother.
My daughter was born just one month after I was arrested, and my son was going on 3 years old, so my mannerisms, intellect, knowing and not knowing, and disposition of multiple ideas and how I engaged others about life, death, religion, politics, anger and love, racism and community was something they was able to view from experience.
My own children didn't know me, and these @Golgatha interviews are at least my own version of myself they can draw from to fall in love with me all over again.
The son and daughter of Xzyzst, the son of Piankhi, the son of Alphonso. the daughter of Bandito, the children of Cain, JAB's daughter, all of Scrappy Dogg's kids, Battle's daughter, Glen's kids, Bugg's children, Joker's seed, and WYLD's seed, Javier's son, Lil Detroit's seed, Ocean's daughter, Eddie's seed, JoeJoe's children, Mao's seed, Skelito's seed, and Waymon's seed, and the seed's of an entire next generation that can now view a parent from the lense of the brutal truth of conversation between peers at California Death Row, can know about the open intellect, heart felt explanation of reality from the person they call, father.
I hereby confirm, and affrim, the thought from over 2000 years ago at Golgotha, that it's just some people that just do not belong on death row, especially when I selfeshly factor myself into the equasion.
Like most of the new condemned, I'm also a father, and now, a proud grandfather, and due to the few moments of engagement with family through phone calls, mounting volumes of letters, and the few visits in prison, and the added observation of our creative writing relationship to the WODZ prison zine issues, nothing can provide for my family, an inside look at how I interact with others here, live and in real time, as self documentary of conversations.
The @Golgatha interviews teach my children about how I display equal care and respect to the life stories and personal interest of my fellow condemned captives.
In another world the latino homie "Bandito" and I are considered enemies, yet, our conversation reveals that we are clearly friends that pose no danger to eachother, and our bried shallow exchange of clapback jokes and snaps reveal our shared urban cultural brotherhood. @Golgatha with "Bandito" exposed both of our children to the person of the one they call Dad.
As I continued to read these interviews I realized that my intent to display the human rawness, innocence, intellect and amazing qualities about the people that I was interviewing, I was able to see myself as well, from the outside, from a position my children never get to see.
@Golgatha with Spooky, another young latno homie took on an open trust factor for an emotional dialogue about how Spooky felt about his ailing stepfather. Ma children are able to view me as human, when there are no lights, no cameras, and no plan of action.
My goofyness and bland brand of comedy teaches my children that even while awaiting to be executed, their father was able to provide, and engage in honest laughter, especially about things that the average person would not expect from the outside of these walls and gates.
In @Golgatha with Alphonso, my children get to hear me talk about my mother something I never do, in @Golgatha with Joe-Joe, they see me speak about being skilled meat cutter, as a butcher shop trade at Heman G. Stark youth training school.
When Piankhi started WODZ, he used a generalationized phrase:
"Our Generation, Our Legacy"
That phrase made me ponder, what would be my legacy? The good, the bad, the ugly? And would there be balance for my own personal story?
Here's what I mean, before I came on board to join Piankhi's vision for WODZ, I realized that all of my Good, Bad and Ugly was for others, both God and Satan, family, strangers, friends, etc. (generally speaking).
My music performance and production, my boxing involvement always served others in some capacity or another, hell, I even planted 2 trees for somebody else, community functions, building a teen center in my hood was becoming more than just a dream before I came to Death Row, and being on call 24 hours a day in the hood was all selfless conduct, I can do this all day, not enough room in this project to mention everything.
Creating the @Golgatha interviews, for me personal, was my opportunity to just be me where I stand, right here on death row, free to express myself, for myself without orders, training or being commissioned, whatelse could I bring to the table of the vision of Piankhi? Why not just be me?
Now, one would say that my work still includes serving others, and to that I say, you are correct, except for this time, I'm doing what I want to do, what I love to do, with ZERO training.
We live in the era of communication, and a part of communication requires listening to be viewed as a skillset. I not only communicate with people that normally don't communicate with each other, due to whatever street and prison tribal differences, but I listen to an entire generation that has not yet been heard.
They heard the case, not person, they heard the charges, not human, they heard the convict, not the father, they heard the news, they heard the rumors and the lies, now, with these interviews, we all get to hear what I hear, when I'm just being me, no matter where I am, and being on death row hasn't been able to taime, nor contain my will to be free to communicate with the difference.
I choose to be for others, what I needed when I was a youthful offender (YOP), so, by default, I'm doing this for myself, being the willing ear and not the pointing finger, being the student, and provider of a safe environment and open space for the next person to just be, honestly themselves.
So what I present in each @Golgatha interview is me excercising my right to freedom of speech, my will to participate in awareness based activism in the capacity of creative writing here while on California Death Row, where I offer ZERO apology for me, just being, selfish, this once in my life, here, @Golgatha.
Through this journey here @Golgatha, it is now open for me to note another level of the value of this work.
Providing poor choices to you, with intent to kill you, and get paid billions to maintain the cycle is not a part of any curriculum offered to any prisoner in the State of California seeking self construction, rehabilitation, awareness based information towards the elimination of recidivism.
The Write Or Die Zine Project allowed me to produce these facts for you to see with your own eyes in a zine issue titled: California On Blast; get it now free at: South Chicago ABC zine DISTRO, Box 721, Homewood, IL. 60430. (send 2 stamps to cover your own postage). Again, I boldly make no apology for creative comparative suffering of Jesus of Nazareth, on the occasion of His execution, tothe identicle experience of a new generation of inner city youth of America and the communities swarmed with poverty, social and economic injustice, mental healthcare deprivation and the fact of just being by the nature of the overall scheme, Americas Most Hunted.
When there is so much attention and focus about the dangerous conduct of inner city youth, and the poor choices they make, a silence grows about the who, why, what and how said poor choices are made available.
"Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."
So, now, what if Don Novey did know what he was doing? And is there a special circumstance that makes Don Novey's actions death eligible? Where are the Chief Priest, where are the elders, where is all of the council willing to serve our inner city youth with seekers of the Truth? Anybody interested in doing a body count in California? Who will look prisoners in the face and tell them to stop accepting responsibility for Don Novey victimizing almost 3 generations of inner city youth?
Imagine now with me the moment when a prisoner realizes that he/she has been targeted, hunted, and victimized. The voice of the people, is the voice of GOD. -Xzyzst (exist)
The very creation of Special Circumstance #22 not only made inner city youth death eligible as a direct response to environment toxicity of the influx of drugs, and weapons conveniently distributed by easy access to street level gang culture of inner city youth with intent to specifically inflate said conditions so to the point where arrest were granted.
False testimonies of the bravado hyper masculine young brain claiming full responsibility of starting gang culture, creators of caos, owners of ships, cargo, ports, train cars and operative control of where the weapon packed train cars will stop, roll back, stop, roll forward, and stop again long enough for each street gang had exclusive access to the very self destructive weapons and materials that was used as evidence to create mass incarceration.
This systematic overthrow of the underclass is often played against young people as "choice", so I say to society:
"It is therefore impossible to make a choice that doesn't exist."
Nobody is taking responsibility for providing the choices in the first place, choices by the way that established authorities have made death eligible by way of Special Circumstance #22.
Being found guilty is a lot different than being made guilty. It's all false testimony by design of those that create what is sought to put inner city youth to death, as the people are now forced to focus on the person on death row, and not the scheme designed to put them there.
There exist no evidence, that established authorities designed opportunities, and created choices to influence, entice, incite child molesters to rape children and create mass incarceration, build more prisons, and cause the condemned population to explode to nearly 800 prisoners in the state of California, are you getting this?
Same can be said for the slasher serial killer, or the people that bomb buildings, churches, or use airplanes to kill people, the special circumstances list never included drugs and murder until Don Novey and his legislative lobbyist sought to create Special Circumstance #22 penal code, and Penal Code §186.21, and §186.20. the California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act, yes, after and during Don Novey's creation of combining the youth authority supervisors, and parole officers, with prison guards which increased the California Department of Correction budget from $923 million in 1985 to $ 5,7 billion in 2004.
In 1985 California had 13 state prisons, by 1995, just 10 years later, California had 31 state prisons, Don Novey and his lobbyists convinced the legislative body to pass penal code §186.20, and §186.21 in 1988, and special circumstance #22 in 1989, passed by voters that makes street gang killings death eligible.
The institutional "Instruction Manual" for legal Murder begins with established authority.
Established authority require a set of the description of offenses that would make one death eligible. Throughout history, this method continues to be the foundational structural model for many countries, states, and cultures.
Inspite of the methods stability, established authorities create varrying death eligible offense list conclusive to era, and or legislative body inclusion, and even sometimes exclusion, for example, in California, being a witch, or being accused of being a witch is not a death eligible offence, oooh but not long ago, in many states witches was killed by those who established themselves as having authority to do so.
Charges against Jesus, had to meet the standard of death eligibility before people could focus on the person on the cross, the method of execution at that time. So when the word blasphemy was used, the priest had somebody to focus on the cross, when the Romans used the words King of the Jews, the politicians had someone for the people to focus on, on the cross.
By default, it forced the people not to focus on the systematic overthrow of the underclass, a scheme to silence the people, hidden in plain sight, and what exactly does that look like in real time?
Matthew 26 verse 59 states clearly that:
"Now the chief priest, the elders, and all the council sought false testimony against Jesus to put Him to death."
No fact finders, not even evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, and the truth is automatically disqualified when this 33 year old young man was brought before chief priest, elders, and all the council that only sought false testimony to put Him to death.
That verse has been in the bible for anyone to see, yet, the people are now by default, forced to focus on the person on the cross, and not the unjustified manner, in which landed Him there, and by this full proof method, established authorities can legally kill anybody they want to kill.
Culture is what people do, Jesus did what He did due to the spiritual and cultural birthrite context modality of conduct, especially conduct that others view falsely. Why death? Why not prison time, why not hard labor, why not lashes, or house arrest, why not be forbidden to teach, why not a lesser charge? Even on false pretense, why death? Why give this young man the death penalty?
How young people must feel when they look into a situation where false testimony is sought by elders, priest and counsel to put them to death, merging street level offenses, even self destructive cultural mischief in the same lane, manner of intent, with worst of the worst language?
First of all, awesome! You share my sister's birthday and that's really cool!
1) I'm sixteen.
2) I'm still in high school and I do online-school.
3) I really like certain TV shows which make me super happy! I love theatre, journaling and writing which makes me happy. As for what makes me sad, I don't have a lot of friends because I'm online-schooled so I get lonely a lot which sucks. Also, I have a pretty low self esteem so ya know, there's that.
4) I mentioned above that I like theatre, journaling and writing! I journal at least once a week to capture what's happening in my life. It's really nice and therapeutic. Sometimes I don't write about emotions, though. Sometimes I just write fun facts or just things I want to talk about but feel like I'd annoy people with.
5) I love all sorts of things, which I know is a vague answer. I like David Bowie and Bruce Springsteen a lot, and a bit of Jimmy Buffet and Neil Diamond. I also like The Cure, though. I'm not super into new bands, to be honest. Pete Seeger is by far my favorite musician.
6) I honestly don't read much at all! I read fan fiction a lot though, if you know what that is. It's basically like fans of a certain TV show, video game, book, movie, anything, will create their own stories using those characters.
I would like to, but my mother isn't super comfortable with the idea of sharing an address, which I have to respect. Also, I don't have a P.O. box. However, when you get closer to getting out (which I'm super happy is in a year!), I can give you my email address so we can keep messaging each other.
So here are more questions for you. Again, you don't have to answer all these questions if you don't feel comfortable.
1) What's your favorite animal? A kind of silly question, I know.
2) Where were you born?
3) I don't know if this is really rude to ask, but how long have you been in prison?
4) Do you have a family? A significant other/spouse?
5) What kind of music do you like? (I'm throwing that question back at you!)
6) What's a TV show you remember from your childhood?
That's all I'm going to write for today. I hope to hear from you soon!
I'm sorry things have been so awful for you. I really hope things get better for you. I hope you know that you have somebody in Illinois praying for you and sending you happier vibes.
For me, Illinois is pretty boring. But I guess boring is nice, isn't it? I rarely go up to Chicago, about once a year. When I do, it's to see the aquarium. I personally find fish really gross to be honest, but it's still fun!
Plays are super fun! What plays were you in, if you remember? My theatre company is doing Beauty and The Beast this year. Like I said, I can't dance or sing, but I'm doing the makeup for it so I'm excited for that! There's a lot of fun makeup in it so that'll be great.
I hope you're doing well. I wish you the best.
I found another quote, if you'd like! Obviously you don't have to use these, I'd just like to share since I know you like quotes. This one doesn't so much come from a person, though, as it actually comes from a dumb TV show.
"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere."
It's from a dumb cartoon called Rick and Morty, which is a sci-fi thing with adult humor. It's about a grandpa and his grandson travelling dimensions and different planets.
But anyways, the quote sounds super dark but it's actually not in context. The character is saying that the idea of a purpose in life, fitting in is a romantic ideal. It's okay not to fit in because nobody ever fits in. Nobody has a purpose in life to fulfill.
This of course, is just an idea and nobody has to agree with it. I just found it to be an interesting philosophy on life.
Anyways, I hope you're doing well.
This is Ben Lavry. I am writing to let you know that I have discovered this wonderful resource. I had already read your essay submitted to Social Garbage. I will read it again as well as your other posts as time permits.
I recently received your latest letter and will respond to it soon.
and creative writing partner, and loyal to the vision of a younger black man, and how respect
for the intellect of a true comrade provides for a natural work environment without hangups,
and the level of respect Piankhi has for the Xzyzst people don't know, Piankhi, if nothing else,
should be viewed by my children as a real uncle because of the true family oriented methodology
direction we took, towards the production of all of these interviews. I want my children to see
that their father is proof that no DNA test is required to prove another man to be a true brother.
My daughter was born just one month after I was arrested, and my son was going on 3 years old, so
my mannerisms, intellect, knowing and not knowing, and disposition of multiple ideas and how I
engaged others about life, death, religion, politics, anger and love, racism and community was
something they was able to view from experience.
My own children didn't know me, and these @Golgatha interviews are at least my own version of myself
they can draw from to fall in love with me all over again.
The son and daughter of Xzyzst, the son of Piankhi, the son of Alphonso. the daughter of Bandito,
the children of Cain, JAB's daughter, all of Scrappy Dogg's kids, Battle's daughter, Glen's kids,
Bugg's children, Joker's seed, and WYLD's seed, Javier's son, Lil Detroit's seed, Ocean's daughter,
Eddie's seed, JoeJoe's children, Mao's seed, Skelito's seed, and Waymon's seed, and the seed's of
an entire next generation that can now view a parent from the lense of the brutal truth of
conversation between peers at California Death Row, can know about the open intellect, heart felt
explanation of reality from the person they call, father.
I hereby confirm, and affrim, the thought from over 2000 years ago at Golgotha, that it's just some
people that just do not belong on death row, especially when I selfeshly factor myself into the
-Xzyzst (exist)
moments of engagement with family through phone calls, mounting volumes of letters, and the few
visits in prison, and the added observation of our creative writing relationship to the WODZ
prison zine issues, nothing can provide for my family, an inside look at how I interact with others
here, live and in real time, as self documentary of conversations.
The @Golgatha interviews teach my children about how I display equal care and respect to the life
stories and personal interest of my fellow condemned captives.
In another world the latino homie "Bandito" and I are considered enemies, yet, our conversation
reveals that we are clearly friends that pose no danger to eachother, and our bried shallow exchange
of clapback jokes and snaps reveal our shared urban cultural brotherhood. @Golgatha with "Bandito"
exposed both of our children to the person of the one they call Dad.
As I continued to read these interviews I realized that my intent to display the human rawness,
innocence, intellect and amazing qualities about the people that I was interviewing, I was able
to see myself as well, from the outside, from a position my children never get to see.
@Golgatha with Spooky, another young latno homie took on an open trust factor for an
emotional dialogue about how Spooky felt about his ailing stepfather. Ma children are able to
view me as human, when there are no lights, no cameras, and no plan of action.
My goofyness and bland brand of comedy teaches my children that even while awaiting to be
executed, their father was able to provide, and engage in honest laughter, especially about
things that the average person would not expect from the outside of these walls and gates.
In @Golgatha with Alphonso, my children get to hear me talk about my mother something I never
do, in @Golgatha with Joe-Joe, they see me speak about being skilled meat cutter, as a butcher
shop trade at Heman G. Stark youth training school.
When Piankhi started WODZ, he used a generalationized phrase:
"Our Generation, Our Legacy"
That phrase made me ponder, what would be my legacy? The good, the bad, the ugly? And
would there be balance for my own personal story?
Here's what I mean, before I came on board to join Piankhi's vision for WODZ, I realized that all of
my Good, Bad and Ugly was for others, both God and Satan, family, strangers, friends, etc.
(generally speaking).
My music performance and production, my boxing involvement always served others in some capacity
or another, hell, I even planted 2 trees for somebody else, community functions, building a teen
center in my hood was becoming more than just a dream before I came to Death Row, and being on call
24 hours a day in the hood was all selfless conduct, I can do this all day, not enough room in this
project to mention everything.
Creating the @Golgatha interviews, for me personal, was my opportunity to just be me where I stand,
right here on death row, free to express myself, for myself without orders, training or being
commissioned, whatelse could I bring to the table of the vision of Piankhi? Why not just be me?
Now, one would say that my work still includes serving others, and to that I say, you are correct,
except for this time, I'm doing what I want to do, what I love to do, with ZERO training.
We live in the era of communication, and a part of communication requires listening to be
viewed as a skillset. I not only communicate with people that normally don't communicate with
each other, due to whatever street and prison tribal differences, but I listen to an entire generation
that has not yet been heard.
They heard the case, not person, they heard the charges, not human, they heard the convict, not
the father, they heard the news, they heard the rumors and the lies, now, with these interviews,
we all get to hear what I hear, when I'm just being me, no matter where I am, and being on death row
hasn't been able to taime, nor contain my will to be free to communicate with the difference.
I choose to be for others, what I needed when I was a youthful offender (YOP), so, by default, I'm
doing this for myself, being the willing ear and not the pointing finger, being the student, and
provider of a safe environment and open space for the next person to just be, honestly themselves.
So what I present in each @Golgatha interview is me excercising my right to freedom of speech, my
will to participate in awareness based activism in the capacity of creative writing here while on
California Death Row, where I offer ZERO apology for me, just being, selfish, this once in my life,
here, @Golgatha.
Through this journey here @Golgatha, it is now open for me to note another level of the value of
this work.
cycle is not a part of any curriculum offered to any prisoner in the State of California seeking
self construction, rehabilitation, awareness based information towards the elimination of
The Write Or Die Zine Project allowed me to produce these facts for you to see with your own eyes
in a zine issue titled: California On Blast; get it now free at: South Chicago ABC zine DISTRO,
Box 721, Homewood, IL. 60430. (send 2 stamps to cover your own postage).
Again, I boldly make no apology for creative comparative suffering of Jesus of Nazareth, on the
occasion of His execution, tothe identicle experience of a new generation of inner city youth of
America and the communities swarmed with poverty, social and economic injustice, mental healthcare
deprivation and the fact of just being by the nature of the overall scheme, Americas Most Hunted.
When there is so much attention and focus about the dangerous conduct of inner city youth, and the
poor choices they make, a silence grows about the who, why, what and how said poor choices are
made available.
"Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."
So, now, what if Don Novey did know what he was doing? And is there a special circumstance that
makes Don Novey's actions death eligible? Where are the Chief Priest, where are the elders,
where is all of the council willing to serve our inner city youth with seekers of the Truth?
Anybody interested in doing a body count in California? Who will look prisoners in the face
and tell them to stop accepting responsibility for Don Novey victimizing almost 3 generations
of inner city youth?
Imagine now with me the moment when a prisoner realizes that he/she has been targeted, hunted, and victimized.
The voice of the people, is the voice of GOD.
-Xzyzst (exist)
direct response to environment toxicity of the influx of drugs, and weapons conveniently
distributed by easy access to street level gang culture of inner city youth with intent
to specifically inflate said conditions so to the point where arrest were granted.
False testimonies of the bravado hyper masculine young brain claiming full responsibility of starting
gang culture, creators of caos, owners of ships, cargo, ports, train cars and operative control of
where the weapon packed train cars will stop, roll back, stop, roll forward, and stop again long enough
for each street gang had exclusive access to the very self destructive weapons and materials that was
used as evidence to create mass incarceration.
This systematic overthrow of the underclass is often played against young people as "choice", so
I say to society:
"It is therefore impossible to make a choice that doesn't exist."
Nobody is taking responsibility for providing the choices in the first place, choices by the way that
established authorities have made death eligible by way of Special Circumstance #22.
Being found guilty is a lot different than being made guilty. It's all false testimony by design of
those that create what is sought to put inner city youth to death, as the people are now forced to
focus on the person on death row, and not the scheme designed to put them there.
There exist no evidence, that established authorities designed opportunities, and created choices to
influence, entice, incite child molesters to rape children and create mass incarceration, build
more prisons, and cause the condemned population to explode to nearly 800 prisoners in the
state of California, are you getting this?
Same can be said for the slasher serial killer, or the people that bomb buildings, churches, or
use airplanes to kill people, the special circumstances list never included drugs and murder until
Don Novey and his legislative lobbyist sought to create Special Circumstance #22 penal code, and
Penal Code §186.21, and §186.20. the California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act,
yes, after and during Don Novey's creation of combining the youth authority supervisors, and parole
officers, with prison guards which increased the California Department of Correction budget from
$923 million in 1985 to $ 5,7 billion in 2004.
In 1985 California had 13 state prisons, by 1995, just 10 years later, California had 31 state
prisons, Don Novey and his lobbyists convinced the legislative body to pass penal code §186.20,
and §186.21 in 1988, and special circumstance #22 in 1989, passed by voters that makes street
gang killings death eligible.
The institutional "Instruction Manual" for legal Murder begins with established authority.
Established authority require a set of the description of offenses that would make one death eligible.
Throughout history, this method continues to be the foundational structural model for many
countries, states, and cultures.
Inspite of the methods stability, established authorities create varrying death eligible offense list
conclusive to era, and or legislative body inclusion, and even sometimes exclusion, for example, in
California, being a witch, or being accused of being a witch is not a death eligible offence, oooh but
not long ago, in many states witches was killed by those who established themselves as having
authority to do so.
Charges against Jesus, had to meet the standard of death eligibility before people could focus on the
person on the cross, the method of execution at that time. So when the word blasphemy was used, the
priest had somebody to focus on the cross, when the Romans used the words King of the Jews, the
politicians had someone for the people to focus on, on the cross.
By default, it forced the people not to focus on the systematic overthrow of the underclass, a
scheme to silence the people, hidden in plain sight, and what exactly does that look like in real time?
Matthew 26 verse 59 states clearly that:
"Now the chief priest, the elders, and all the council sought false testimony against Jesus to put Him
to death."
No fact finders, not even evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, and the truth is automatically
disqualified when this 33 year old young man was brought before chief priest, elders, and all
the council that only sought false testimony to put Him to death.
That verse has been in the bible for anyone to see, yet, the people are now by default, forced to focus
on the person on the cross, and not the unjustified manner, in which landed Him there, and by this
full proof method, established authorities can legally kill anybody they want to kill.
Culture is what people do, Jesus did what He did due to the spiritual and cultural birthrite context
modality of conduct, especially conduct that others view falsely. Why death? Why not prison time,
why not hard labor, why not lashes, or house arrest, why not be forbidden to teach, why not a
lesser charge? Even on false pretense, why death? Why give this young man the death penalty?
How young people must feel when they look into a situation where false testimony is sought by elders,
priest and counsel to put them to death, merging street level offenses, even self destructive
cultural mischief in the same lane, manner of intent, with worst of the worst language?