Brought a lot of childhood memories back reading this .have just ordered The grass beneath his feet from Amazon cant wait to read this ,have read all about your case and do not understand how you could be convicted for 2 murders. Dont understand how a first world country like America can still have the death penalty ,glad I live in Scotland ,hope you have a good lawyer now and plenty of support from family and friends .keep writing in this blog I enjoy reading these. Helen
This is such an important message that you are bringing up that so many people overlook. I agree, I see it happen often with adults too unknowingly and if we all practiced this more often, people are likely to feel more comfortable.
Thank you for sharing this story, this helped to remind me about my presence etiquitte with the people I work with and people in general.
Carol D
Dont understand how a first world country like America can still have the death penalty ,glad I live in Scotland ,hope you have a good lawyer now and plenty of support from family and friends .keep writing in this blog I enjoy reading these. Helen
This is such an important message that you are bringing up that so many people overlook. I agree, I see it happen often with adults too unknowingly and if we all practiced this more often, people are likely to feel more comfortable.
Thank you for sharing this story, this helped to remind me about my presence etiquitte with the people I work with and people in general.