Hi Guys, I'm not sure who I am talking to since I can't really read your names.
I think after this website is a little easier to navigate and I wrap my mind around promoting the zine more it is my hope that you will receive many responses. However, it all takes time which I don't have a lot of so be patient as I have a lot of things going on.
I was excited you want to continue to help promote this ministry. I did receive two comments very recently from two woman who were very touched and brought to tears.
Dear my friend Joseph A. Roberge, I'm sad that I have no money to send via money gram, and I have no way to get it now. I'm interest to send it, but the situation i have does not allow me to get such amount . Maybe if you have another way to do assist me and my family? When will you get out? Can you come in Tanzania after get out? I have hard time for the house problem now. If i could be with money I could build my own. Can you support me for this Joseph?
Hi there from NYC. It's interesting to find myself here on this web site. I highly oppose death penalty because I don't see any way it makes our society better. It also creates an awful unwanted option to execute innocent person. Whoever kills innocent person commits another first degree murder and also should be sentenced to death using the same logic. More then 150 people exonerated after receiving death sentence in US. Is it applicable? Of course no.
At the same time I am a progressive liberal. The base of my views is anti-conservatism. I am PRO abortions. I am sure nobody can tell woman what to do with her body. I strongly stand against the religion. I see the religion as the way to control minds. Civil rights should be always the top priority. If somebody is religious it is fine as long he/she doesn't engage others into this activity. Science is the only hope for humanity. This is my sincere opinion.
Anyway I wish you all the best in your attempts to appeal your sentence.
Rhonda, there is a reason I call it the (in)justice system. without doubt it seems difficult to see the justice in my of what is construed as justice in society. The (in)justice system at every level, every step in the process seems often times to be unjust. Sadly the majority of the population hasn't a clue to how it 'really works,' or the reason behind it and how it does work. Texas penal code is in many ways some of the most 'backwards' to be found. Such 'backward ways' are predominant throughout the states though. The 'goal' of the (in)justice system being profit rather than justice. Crimes committed against the accused and sentenced being the true crimes and injustice. The 'tough on crime' movement in this country merely a knee jerk reaction with no true results or justice. The growth in the incarceration rate in the U.S., the percentage of incarcerated persons in comparison to other countries, incarceration of addicts, mental illness, and victims just a portion of the unjust dealings of the (in)justice system. Such statistics and facts though are seemingly inconsequential, though more than inconsequential, 'swept under the rug,' rather than focusing on and addressing the true issues. As is the way of society though, it is the symptoms which are addressed rather than the root cause of the symptoms. The truth does not get votes or make profit though. With the 'tough on crime' stance, the removal of judges ability to subjectively judge, but instead to objectively judge situations is one of the travesties of the (in)justice system.
In situations such as yours, my ire rises all the more, knowing that justice was not served but that crime was permitted to continue under the mask of justice. Society no doubt needs to be educated and made aware of the truth of the (in)justice system. Sadly, most often it is 'just fine' to most people, until they are faced with dealing with the reality of it themselves.
It is my hope that your story and others like it will come to be known by the general public, realized for what they truly are. To realize the implications, meaning and affect of such (in)justices. Without doubt you have been served a great injustice and others in similar situations. The 'world' needs to see and realize such...
I'm not sure who I am talking to since I can't really read your names.
I think after this website is a little easier to navigate and I wrap my mind around promoting the zine more it is my hope that you will receive many responses. However, it all takes time which I don't have a lot of so be patient as I have a lot of things going on.
I was excited you want to continue to help promote this ministry. I did receive two comments very recently from two woman who were very touched and brought to tears.
Keep it up.
When will you get out? Can you come in Tanzania after get out? I have hard time for the house problem now. If i could be with money I could build my own. Can you support me for this Joseph?
Your friend Yona Mwanza.
At the same time I am a progressive liberal. The base of my views is anti-conservatism. I am PRO abortions. I am sure nobody can tell woman what to do with her body. I strongly stand against the religion. I see the religion as the way to control minds. Civil rights should be always the top priority. If somebody is religious it is fine as long he/she doesn't engage others into this activity. Science is the only hope for humanity. This is my sincere opinion.
Anyway I wish you all the best in your attempts to appeal your sentence.
In situations such as yours, my ire rises all the more, knowing that justice was not served but that crime was permitted to continue under the mask of justice. Society no doubt needs to be educated and made aware of the truth of the (in)justice system. Sadly, most often it is 'just fine' to most people, until they are faced with dealing with the reality of it themselves.
It is my hope that your story and others like it will come to be known by the general public, realized for what they truly are. To realize the implications, meaning and affect of such (in)justices. Without doubt you have been served a great injustice and others in similar situations. The 'world' needs to see and realize such...
Respect ~ Kevin