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William Goehler Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by William Goehler Untitled
Rhonda Lindial Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Rhonda Lindial Untitled
Jack Branch Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Hypocrite by Jack Branch Hypocrite
Cavak Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Hey there, stranger. Sending you a message since you asked for one. To let you know that someone out there is reading.

I transcribed your April 2018 journal entry, and I'm hoping you can feel something more than depression by the time you read this. As someone who has been there, I feel you. It sucks. Hoping that it's just the meds doing this to you. Maybe try talkin' to Jimmy about your life since he sounds like an alright kid.

There any delicious foods that you remember eating from your past? Maybe you could try being creative with the goob you're given in prison to try to recreate it. Something else creative that you could try doing maybe.

So hey, hold onto your dignity and take good care of yourself. You're not alone. Sending you a digital pat on the shoulder.

Posted on Personal Journal 4/9/18 by Steve J. Burkett Personal Journal 4/9/18
Sigard Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
After he dies He meets Hebe, She grants him vitality and youth! Immortality....

Posted on Coalition says no to extremists by William Goehler Coalition says no to extremists
Sigard Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Anyway I'm trying to type all this on my phone, this site will only let me type a certian amount of words. On the last one I left off on Hyperborea so I will pick up where I left off..

Who were suppose to live exquisitely well, in accord with nature. The fourth labour, the boar has to be captured: sets the scene of spiritual rejuvenation at mid winter. Snow drifts are mentioned. The boars tusk is related to the New moon, and rebirth.
He diverts rivers in order to clean out years of accumulated dung. For a task quite beyond the power of the personal conscious ego, he mobilizes the forces of nature. The cattle represent years and it is the years of filth and pestilence, I.e. the collective shadow, which is to be cleared away, cleansed and purified.
The birds, the bull, the mares: refer to other vicarious aspects. Of the animal instincts in man.
The girdle of the amozon queen: may be a manifestation of the Anima.
Hera-cules is part trickster as he tricks Atlas in order to bring unconscious material to light.
The twelfth labour, capturing Cerberus: In coming to grips with the monstrous guardian at the threshold of the underworld, he becomes free to pass between the conscious and the unconscious realms. He has destroyed the barrier between them, and restored nature, whole, of a piece. Two aspects of the later career of Heracules both point to an uneasy relationship between the heroic conscious ego and the unconscious feminine Anima. In the one he is dressed in feminine garb, doing the feminine task of spinning, as slave to Omphale, Queen of Lydia. In the other his jealous wife gives him a tunic soaked in centaurs blood, hoping to renew his animal passion for her, but he is consumed by inner fire and throws himself on his own funeral pyre: these depict two alternative fates for the conscious male ego in the second half of life, if it cannot integrate the Anima. Either the Anima may take possession of the psyche. Or the ego will consume itself, while projecting what is essentially an inner problem on to other women and thereby rousing the vengeance of feminine powers....
( When you get these posts send me a copy please) Much Love Oath Brother!!!!!!

Posted on Coalition says no to extremists by William Goehler Coalition says no to extremists
Sigard Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Hailsa Whispy, I'm back home now you'll most likely get a letter from me before you get this post, but since you mentioned the Glory of Hera' ( Hera-cules) I thought We shall Sword fight a bit. Speaking of the word Sword S-Word S standing for Sun the sun word SWORD.... And we both know the totem of the Sun Eh sssssssss!
Sowilo will work I suppose.
Hera-cules his labours have made him one of the most epic hero's in mythological tales. He is one of the best known Heroes. Named by the Pythia Herself. Meaning Glory of Hera', I've read that his whole life vocation was to glorify Zeus wife, the greatest of the goddesses,
Among the Parsis the influence of Anahita( the virgin of the Holy Spirit) is always described as a fountain descending on the saints and heroes to whom she gives strength, and in the figure herewith this fountain, springing from the Goddess of celestial waters, is seen descending upon Hercules ( born on December 25th by the way) this cleansing water enabled him to cleanse the stable of Augeas.The popular version of this legend is that Hera-cules accomplished his arduous task by diverting the river Alpheus. The Greeks worshiped Hera-cules under the symbol of a square.The same as the Scandinavians worshipped WOTAN ( The Dice God).The British name for Hera-cules was OGMIUS, the spinner. Among the druids OGIUS, whom Rhys equates with the Greek Logos, was represented as an OLD MAN followed by a multitude, whom he led by slender and almost invisible golden chains fastened from his lips to their ears. He was regarded as the power of Eloquence, and might be termed the coax.( Persuading the simpletons) kinda like you do by the way!!!!! Anyhoot the twelve labours of Heracules are related to the twelve signs of the Zodiac ( Duh) the seasonal tasks of the year and the tasks through the different periods of life. But above all the inner symbolic task of coming to grips with the unconscious, and bringing unconscious content into the light of consciousness. Hera-cules is a Sun Hero, Symbol of Ego consciousness, but one who integrates much unconscious content,and gains Immortality.
The madness of Heracules: He first cracks up( ring a bell?) Then he is armed by the god's: with special weapons required for doing battle with the inner unconscious realm. He fights the Lion: which is the physical counterpart of the Sun, symbol of the conscious Ego; therefore he does battle to subdue his own physical nature first.
Not far from the entrance to the underworld he does battle with the Hydra: as soon as he crushes one head with his club two or three more grow in its place: Trying to slay the monstrous negative of nature in the outside world does not work. He has to withdraw projections and sever it's immortal head i.e. attack it's essential nature in the unconscious. The pursuit of the hind, which has to be brought back alive: Possibly refers to the pursuit of archetype-of-life (feminine). His chase takes him to the land of the Hyperboreans,

Posted on Human Services by William Goehler Human Services
Sigard Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Whatever, at least there are real Men in that Clip..

Posted on Coalition says no to extremists by William Goehler Coalition says no to extremists
Jack Branch Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Puppet No More by Jack Branch Puppet No More
Bluesky Posted 6 years, 8 months ago.     1 Favorite
Hi Eric, I have been reading your articles and want to say they are very interesting and show that you are making the best out of a bad situation. Keep up the good work

Posted on Serving Time by Eric Wilkes Serving Time
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