This time you should have my message by November,28th,so it says.I wondered... can't your daughter write a letter to you?Did she do some studies?At 19 I became myself a teacher in primary school.Later they only taught at 21; I seemed like a 16yr old.:) Even now I seem a few yrs younger than my real age. So does my mother.The genes, eh. I did write you about the suitcase that fell on my head? On the train, while I was intending to babysit at my daughter Elke. My head is okay, thank God.But my neck needs therapy.Twice a week!The healing is slowly. A tendon is hurt.The way my neck protected itself from that shock.The payments will be done by the owners of that suitcase.Family insurance it's called.And now I appeal on it. I had a very strong cold too. All disappears now.
Mold in a sink? Maybe it's in the water that comes out of the faucet?Don't other men complain from it Robert?But I assume you have a glass to take the water, and not having to fill a sink for it? You're fortunate that you have fruit everyday. He has once and a while a fruit, and since he has a special plate.. he has it now and then,and others not! Illinois is broke!!! They couldn't even pay their water bills.The governor, Rauner, told them he would shut the prison, Menard, and then they feared for all the jobs in prison and they shut up. George made a cartoon, and he would let it spread through the newspapers through his dad...He was punished for it by two months of segregation!A cartoon mentioning on top that prisoners and the staff should have the same meals,by law.Then you see George sitting on a chair with underneath listed the 5 items they get all over again. Next to him sits a well fed porky like guard and underneath 28 items they get fed.He's an activist and they retaliate! Look now: he's in seg since June 17th and he still is they brought him to another prison. People in the kitchen- friends from the old days(he was there before)feed him well as they know he's helping them with his activism. A real shame; they got expensive meals and you all did the jobs and get paid so few:((( I will help you to get some money, Robert, as I will contact your brother.Jay- Pay I tried for George's friend, Joshua... but it didn't work.So I will try Western union. Would Justin not be able to help you also in any way, Robert? So bad of them; they promised you a job in the hospital... and they didn't keep their word.:( Maybe there is a certain product you can clean your sink with in the commissary? Do pay attention though!! What happened with your view?No window any more? Robert, my messages will be shorter as I have to focus now on my trip. I leave on the 6th of December to Holland.The next day my plane goes up in Schiphol, their airport.
Take very well care and trust in yourself.No art anymore, maybe you read more or so?Stay well occupied too.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. You have an interestig name, Calvin. Because in Calvinism, there was a lot of schism. You name is almost a tribute to that. No offense intended, just an observation. Have a good day. Julia
This time you should have my message by November,28th,so it says.I wondered... can't your daughter write a letter to you?Did she do some studies?At 19 I became myself a teacher in primary school.Later they only taught at 21; I seemed like a 16yr old.:)
Even now I seem a few yrs younger than my real age. So does my mother.The genes, eh.
I did write you about the suitcase that fell on my head? On the train, while I was intending to babysit at my daughter Elke.
My head is okay, thank God.But my neck needs therapy.Twice a week!The healing is slowly. A tendon is hurt.The way my neck protected itself from that shock.The payments will be done by the owners of that suitcase.Family insurance it's called.And now I appeal on it.
I had a very strong cold too. All disappears now.
Mold in a sink? Maybe it's in the water that comes out of the faucet?Don't other men complain from it Robert?But I assume you have a glass to take the water, and not having to fill a sink for it?
You're fortunate that you have fruit everyday. He has once and a while a fruit, and since he has a special plate.. he has it now and then,and others not! Illinois is broke!!! They couldn't even pay their water bills.The governor, Rauner, told them he would shut the prison, Menard, and then they feared for all the jobs in prison and they shut up.
George made a cartoon, and he would let it spread through the newspapers through his dad...He was punished for it by two months of segregation!A cartoon mentioning on top that prisoners and the staff should have the same meals,by law.Then you see George sitting on a chair with underneath listed the 5 items they get all over again. Next to him sits a well fed porky like guard and underneath 28 items they get fed.He's an activist and they retaliate!
Look now: he's in seg since June 17th and he still is they brought him to another prison. People in the kitchen- friends from the old days(he was there before)feed him well as they know he's helping them with his activism.
A real shame; they got expensive meals and you all did the jobs and get paid so few:(((
I will help you to get some money, Robert, as I will contact your brother.Jay- Pay I tried for George's friend, Joshua... but it didn't work.So I will try Western union.
Would Justin not be able to help you also in any way, Robert?
So bad of them; they promised you a job in the hospital... and they didn't keep their word.:(
Maybe there is a certain product you can clean your sink with in the commissary? Do pay attention though!!
What happened with your view?No window any more?
Robert, my messages will be shorter as I have to focus now on my trip.
I leave on the 6th of December to Holland.The next day my plane goes up in Schiphol, their airport.
Take very well care and trust in yourself.No art anymore, maybe you read more or so?Stay well occupied too.
Have a warm hug from Rita :))
Ps. Rita is an Italian name.
You have an interestig name, Calvin. Because in Calvinism, there was a lot of schism. You name is almost a tribute to that. No offense intended, just an observation. Have a good day.