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Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Hi David,

I wondered if you've read my writings? Now you've this blog,you can put another text.
Maybe another poem or so? Would love to read it!
Tell you a little bit of my life here lately.

I ever painted a lot! Not so lately. But I have nowadays a display in a clinic nearby. I hang 22 paintings in total. Some oils, some watercolors, one gouache (not transparent colors), and some ink works(colored ink). Some are big, others smaller and I have abstract and figurative works.

Beneath each work I put a text. Do you like paintings, David?

All the best,David and take very well care of yourself!

greetings from Rita

Posted on State of WI v. David Rodgers by David Rogers State of WI v. David Rodgers
Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Dear Jason, how big was my desillusion to get my letter home in return!!
It was sent back with red letters: UTF. And on it was glued a yellow paper, saying:

Return to sender. Not deliverable as addressed Unable to forward.
Why??? I wrote the address you gave on your blog.
So here is mine, just write me first; maybe you have to give them first my address perhaps??

Rita Boie
Dascottelei, 9 bus 10
2100 Deurne

I wonder if this will work now? :-o

How are you doing? I was sad to hold my letter back in my hands... It should have been at your place. :-(

Never mind; it may be only retarding some time. Ok? ;-)))

I am displaying 22 paintings in a clinic nearby. oils, we Flemish were oil painters! also some watercolors, a few ink-works too (colored ink!)and one gouache work. Like a not transparent medium.
Some are pretty big, others smaller; abstract and figurative works. I put beneath each painting a text.

Here and there i brought a note to inform people about my display: in some libraries,some stores, the swimming pool, a meeting club, the church, etc..

Finally people will see my creations! As they were still packed in paper, coming with a ship from Argentina, Buenos Aires. They were stored in my cellar.

Here is for you: An open mind collects the most nectar.

Lead with your strengths!

Wherever you go make your mark!

Friendship is the masterpiece of nature.

If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way!

Keep your chin up when fate clips your wings.

friendly greetings from Rita


Posted on Children With Life In Prison by Jason W. Wright Children With Life In Prison
Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Hello dearest,

I didn't tell you yet, or did I, i have an exibition in a clinic nearby. There are hanging 22 paintings of mine; some oils, some watercolors, and also inkt works.
Some big, others smaller. Abstract and figurative ones. They are hanging for a few months... till I leave for the States! :-D
I hope this time you will be free. Then we will have the nicest time of "our" lifes!!!!
We'll do what our imagination allows us to, of course, George!
I went to places turning in an invitation for my display. Stores, libraries,swmimming pool, church, meeting clubs, etc

I saw the art of James on twitter,tell him!;-)

Can you answer here?????????
I got your letter and will soon respond! Love you, sweetie!

Posted on Comment Response by George Peter Jr Comment Response
rock11 Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite

My name is Lisa jabber I am a very gentle and easy going girl I wish to have a trusted friend in any part of the world especially in your country. you have my email please keep in touch


Posted on Pen Pal Ad by Donny Welch Pen Pal Ad
sammy Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Hey Daddy,

just wanted to say hi and I love you very much it has always been easy for me to type I'm not much of a writer however you already know that sorry that I have been so selfish lately and not writing you please know that I think of you every day and pray for you I am just going through a very hard time in my life but I know that God has a plan and will walk me through it I just got your letter and will put money on your phone I am sure that grandma would love to hear your voice please pray for my step dad Eli and my mom we just found out that he has small-cell cancer and it has spread through out his body without chemotherapy he has 3-6 months to live and with it he has 6 months to a year so they really need prayers I am trying my hardest to speak about Jesus to him but its hard but I know that the lord will put the words there when its time well the girls are doing great and so is Eric he says hi and he loves you I am going to cut it short for now but I will start typing to you on this I love you and miss you very much daddy xoxox


Posted on The Seeking Shepherd by Thomas Beam The Seeking Shepherd
j.torsrud Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
One of the most traumatic and stressful situations a person can experience is incarceration. Even if you don’t get beaten or raped, the constant stress of dealing with hostile people, whether inmates or guards, will build up to a breaking point over the years. This can be manifested by a nervous breakdown or the development of a personality disorder.

During incarceration, there are no breaks, no days off, and there is no time given to recuperate your sanity. Even if you go to solitary confinement, that is typically the loudest area in the prison. In many instances people are doing 10, 20, 30 years at a crack. It is no wonder that when some people get out of prison they literally snap...

from Phillip Torsrud at Waupun Wi Correctional Institution.
To read the rest of the blog, go to: Prison PTSD

Posted on Solitary Confinement by LaRon McKinley Bey Solitary Confinement
kathyf20 Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
I am fifteen year old.I agree with you in many aspects.You areright about the homeschooling thing.Some kids are meant to be home schooled and others are not.ParentsI believe should make that choice depending onthe childs personalities and circumstances, aswellas the parents.I believe everything starts with education.And wherever they are going to receive the best education, that is where they should be.You addressed was religion.Idisagree with a couple of things.I do agree with you in the aspect that Children should not be FORCED to pray,read the bible go tochurch,etc.Since I was little, my parents brought me to a Christian church.I was taught the stories of the bible, we prayed,went to church,etc.I took it as something I had to do for my parents.Istarted to not wanting to go to church and not wanting to go to church camps or praying or reading the bibleI even doubted that God existed.One day,I was went a church camp and I listened to the message.I finally felt in my heart the true meaning in it and it gave me chills and brought me to tears.someone loves me despite who I am and what Ive done.I have established a relationship with God and He is my best friend.My parents lead me through this path and although they could NEVER force me to be a Christian or love Jesus I ended up doing so with my own will.Childrens brains develop and they eventually make their own decisions on who to worship but while they are young, parents should educate them on the love of God, which is far more important than religion. In fact I resent religion its stupid and it mocks what Jesus did for us.About sex I think kids and young adults aren't ready for that. I believe that God created sex for us to enjoy with one person when we are married. He created it and he should know how it works best only people go against that thinking it is absurd and why would God want to limit such a great feeling until we marry?Just look at how many problems there have been because of premarital sex. Lives ruined,dreams crushed,lives lost,miserable ways of living,feelings hurt,suicides,rapes.
I agree with you about how schools run education. Schools make the wonderful experience of learning into an agonizing and ugly experience.I agree with you because I am so very much how you were.I have a thirst for learning. While my friends talk about clothes and look up makeup videos on their free timeI spend my Friday nights and my free time learning new facts, reading, wanting to be amazed, looking up how D-Day was planned, how Rome prospered, what makes the northern lights shine so beautifully in the sky,etc.However schools dont make this process enjoyable.They tell us to memorize all this information so we end up hating it.Teachers are mean and they makeushate wonderful classes.They make us get up early and dread going to schoolmake us dread the process of learning. And this is making children uneducated and ignorant.It is truly sad.
Governments,should also help poor children get an education.

Posted on Homeschool Blues by Kyle De Wolf Homeschool Blues
ZoeyBubble Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Glad you're feeling better, too. The white tiger is beautiful.

Posted on Daily Journal (March 18 to 21, 2013) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (March 18 to 21, 2013)
ZoeyBubble Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
The detail on the raccoon is amazing. You're very talented.

Posted on Art Work by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Art Work
ZoeyBubble Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Your painting is stunningly beautiful. Your art brought so much peace to my life today. Thanks.

Posted on Daily Journal - October 22-25, 2012 by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal - October 22-25, 2012
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