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babcain56 Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Hey Eric,
I have another letter I am putting together for you right now. I havn't finished or sent it yet. But I wanted to know if the prison will let you recieve paper, pencils, pens, envelopes (stationary materials) to help you out. I work in a dollar store and it would be easy for me to compile the items for you, including a few stamps. I just am not sure if you are restricted from these items or if they took them from you for some other reason. As always, sorry for the lags in communication. I hope you are doing as best as can be expected. Write back when you can.

Posted on Comment Response by Eric Wilkes Comment Response
bluelotus Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
unbelievable what happens in these prisons...a lot of people would never imagine these things could still happen nowadays but unfortunately it's true. I lived in America for a while and I noticed myself that it has a long way to go in terms of being a civilized nation. I can tell from your writing that your spirit is not broken, and it makes me happy because it shows that the human spirit is so much stronger than I often think...

Posted on Forty Years And Counting by Timothy J. Muise Forty Years And Counting
windydays Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
windydays aka happygolucky :)

Posted on Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013)
bluelotus Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Wow, that poem is beautiful! And powerful! I actually love reading handwritten poems because you can get the energy of the poet so much better than in a typed poem! I am feeling your poetry, so please keep posting...your art is inspiring :)

Posted on I Am Beautiful by David Pannell I Am Beautiful
atrantmm Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
My dear Richard,

What a joy to receive your letter. Aunt Darlene always keeps me up to date on how you are doing, and I'm so happy that you are doing well and continuing your studies.

I wonder what your experience of Easter was this year. This Easter I found to be a most profound encounter with the paschal mystery--Christ's death and rising. It means that all sin and evil (everything that is not of God--not of Love)has died to be replaced with the newness of a spring day where everything awaits new birth.

I'm writing to you today on the fifth Sunday of Easter. The readings today were particularly poignant. In the second reading St. John tells of his vision of a new heaven and a new earth saying that all that went before will be wiped away and replaced with fullness of joy and peace, etc. In the Gospel today Jesus gave the apostles a new commandment that we are to love one another as He loves us. Now that is POWERFUL. Jesus loves us totally and unconditionally. Then Jesus went on to say that by loving one another people will be able to recognize that we are His disciples.

Are we perfect in our loving? Of course not. Do we fail many times? Unfortunately, that is our human condition, but is Jesus with us to pick us up each time we fall? DEFINITELY!!! You, my friend, are a beautiful sign of Love to me. I know it isn't easy when you are surrounded with many people who are not that easy to love, but I also know that you do reach out and have touch many people with your care and compassion--both those who are physically around you and those who you touch by your letters and of course, all of our family. And the more we love the more we open ourselves to the realization that we are in the depths of our being LOVED beyond measure and so the flow of Love continues.

It isn't without difficulties. In the first reading today St. Paul said: “We must undergo many trials, before going to heaven.” St. Paul was a great missionary sharing the Good News of Jesus' unconditional Love, but he was not always understood or accepted. Yet each time he was rejected, he managed to shake the dust off and move on. Not easy, but important to do. It is important to learn to let go of the past and move on; let go of people who drag us down and focus on those who help us move forward.

The call to all of us is to open our hearts and invite Jesus to wipe away all the pain and suffering of the past and each day bring us to a new beginning filled with love and peace and joy.

Well, I've certainly written more than I had intended. It is just so good to chat with you. Know I hold you always in my heart and in my prayers with much love.

Be blessed, Richard, today and always!

Love and hugs,
Sister Arlene

Posted on Chronicle by Richard Gamache Chronicle
e.swift Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Your research on the bible is very interesting, I think you are right in saying that it has many flaws, but I think it relates more to people taking it too literally and applying next to no context, than the actual context.

Posted on Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013)
windydays Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Try and not be so bitter about God, until you fully realise the dynamics here on earth now and why, you will not be able to understand that until He comes again, evil is still trying very hard to win a losing battle.... don't be mad at God for where you are, He did not put you there, satan did. Be mad at him, for all the worlds crimes even YOUR own ! Cuss him for where you are... and to yourself for being weak enough to listen... love is not about tying people to a post and saying you will love me regardless. Love is free will, how ungratifying would it be to God to create the world and MAKE all us of love Him.. such a sweeter love is to know hey, they chose me, they chose to love me! You are hating the wrong source.. actually giving credit to satan by doing that. Don't feed his army, he uses you like a little pawn and so enjoys it.... he wants you to commmit suicide, die, be miserable, because he is. Live....

Posted on Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013)
windydays Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Part 2

Max Lucado is a great start...... "And the Angels were Silent" will explain in every detail where Jesus was 3 days. Max is a hugely popular, famous writer and his org. will donate/send for free to you in prison! See not every one is a scam. And to close, may I say, my family has written an inmate there over 18 years, he said "you have your problems, BUT, you will always help another fella". You are caring, compassionate.... allow yourself to be loved. Being a Christian does not mean all wrong is turned right, it really means..... "Live your life like you know the end of the story.....because you do." And if you really want to explore... well, you need to... because the written bible, is hard to understand, I personally have to get out 2-3 reference books to even read a chapter. Is your bible one with foot notes and cross reference? Needs to be. Set yourself free and live some..... you would be a good mentor.... for the youth, life is not over for you there........ and I appreciate what you do share food wise etc with fellow inmates. My friend gets about 50.00 a year only on his account. Feel blessed because you are. Write : Multnomah, 8435 NE Glisan St. Portland, OR 97220 for Max books, ask kindly if they will donate to a prisoner in search of answers....

Posted on Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013)
windydays Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Ron, why don't you get off every Christians back? We aren't perfect, never will be, impossible. It's about something different. If you think every professed Christian is God walking around, that is wrong. Jesus IS God, not a man - they are one in the same and it is truly a loving way to save us. God is to perfect/sinless/HOLY to encounter lie among us, so he came in the form of man. I am sorry you missed that in your reading. As I said before - I don't think you are given the ability to understand or feel the love of it all. Read about Moses on the mountain and why he shielded his face when God appeared. Jesus was in HELL those days fighting satan for our sins. Question for you, sincerely, where did you think He was?

Three people ONLY went to heaven without dieing first, interesting stories, little trivia. See is you can find that. :)

As far as all these robbers in churches, preachers, etc. Well, there are those in prison also who try and scam churches for money alongside writing gay porno for money as you said you did. No one is perfect. Is all the money you get truly earned and deserved? See.... cast stones at your self also. Question is, and the bible clearly says this many many times.... our father is a King, should King's children go without? Well, you never replied to my comment.... but thats ok. your Christian friend you mention..... please know that he is like all of us, we sin, it can not be helped. The blood covers that..... and sadly we must always remind our self that it is not to be taken for granted, because it is given to us in mercy. Please be careful with your I will mine, and neither want to lose any grace and mercy towards our life. If you are so interested and eager..... LISTEN... be open, as the Holy Spirit is trying to talk to you, and He won't always knock at your door.... try not to read it all so literal, the Old Testament is over, it is about the New and also Revelation, Paul was in prison writing that. You have a lot of casual spending money on your account - buy some real books from Amazon.... NONE NONE of us can find all the truth and meaning about the bible without reference.

Posted on Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (March 25-31, 2013)
Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Art Work by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Art Work
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