thou shall be judged
by Francis Soffen
My walk with Jesus over the past five years has shed such insight on life for me. My lament is that of wishing I had found my savior sooner, but I guess all come to the Master in the Master's time. Now that I am a Christian, am I supposed to care only for others and not for myself? I don't think that is the full message as Christ wants us to be sustained by his body and blood, and through this nourishment, to do good works.
I am sick—very sick. I want to do good works, works I need to be healed, physically. In order to achieve this healing I must secure my release from prison.
Many judge me, and I cannot blame them. All I can do is caution them not to see the splinter in my eye while ignoring the beam in their own. My sins are many and great, but they are all washed away by the blood of Christ. Is this miracle only for those who are worthy? Those who have been pure? What about the parable where the workers who showed up at the end of the day got the same reward as those who were there from the beginning? Am I not worthy of the same reward as all true believers? I ask all those who judge me, either veiled or in the open, to answer those questions for themselves. Thou shall be judged by the only One who can judge.
As my life slowly fades away and I can see a solution to my demise outside of prison walls, I become more determined to become healthy and make amends to all I have hurt, directly or indirectly. My prodigal return may not be popular, but it is in fact the result of the power of the Holy Spirit. Dismiss on the cross finds his savior. Should I be denied my "dismiss" moment?
Thank you Lord for your gift. I open my heart to your judgment, as it is truly the only one that matters. All praise and glory be yours!
To support Frank Soffen, please contact:
Attorney John Rull
P.O. Box 243
Foxboro, MA 02035
2011 apr 14
2010 nov 15
2010 oct 27
Replies (6)
I hope this reply is encouraging to you. It is meant as encouragement.
You write, "I want to do good works, works I pray will afford some atonement and reparation, but in order to do those works I need to be healed, physically. In order to achieve this healing I must secure my release from prison."
I don't know what kind of physical healing you are referring to. Maybe it is a sickness, or maybe you need surgery, and that surgery is only on the outside? I don't know.
But from the context of your post, it sounds also that you want the healing to begin in your heart, and in your actions, and for the people you may have hurt, either directly or indirectly.
I think this is a good desire, to make atonement toward others and repay what may have been damaged. This is an excellent desire. The debt to God has been paid through Jesus Christ, but there may be other people who are still hurting, and could use the benefit that repayment could give. This is love.
But I would encourage you to please don't let other people determine your rate of healing. The Lord is in charge of your healing, and your sentence, your location, and justice. You don't have to be outside to begin doing good works.
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 that from wherever God calls you, He can use you right there. If you're a Jew, He can use you. If you're a Gentile, He can use you. If you're a slave, He can use you. If you're a millionaire CEO, He can use you.
You don't have to wait for physical freedom to begin enjoying spiritual freedom right now. There are good works in front of us every day, if we just open our eyes and see them.
Secondly, sometimes the promises of God come many years before the fulfillment of those promises. God promised Abraham a son through Sarah, but it took about 25 years from the first promise until Isaac was born.
Moses thought he was ready to lead the people out of Egypt when he was 40. But God called him to the task when he was 80.
Third, it is possible to make life-altering mistakes and never see prison, and these mistakes can be a prison of their own. I have wasted at least a decade on impossible relationships, pursuing my own pleasures ahead of what I knew was right. None of these things would land me in prison, but it sure affects my life, and I do not have the very things I hoped for when I was young: a warm home and family. But God is able to fix even this, but I must wait for Him. And that waiting is hard. I can't really compare it to your waiting, but I do know that both you and I have good works to do right now, right where we are, even though we'd rather be somewhere else, and if we do them, we will be blessed.
Keep the faith. Grace and peace to you, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
AMEN to your post.