Monday July 11, 2011
Hey, I wish mountains of miracles 2 everyone. I wish u peace, joy
and the fulfillment of all the golden dreams. I'm grateful 2 be alive 2day. Its
another chance 2 try 2 figure out exactly what the earth is. I'm convinced that
this planet is a school 4 evolving souls. What do u think about that?
What if reincarnation is a fact, and we all continue 2 be reborn until we
reach nirvana? That sounds right 2 me, after all the reading I've done I
figure maybe when our souls attain enlightenment we get 2 be reborn in a
new solar system on a new earth like planet out there somewhere and be some-
body's Jesus. When I say " somebody's Jesus" I mean that we would get 2 be
something like any of the great prophets, messengers and teachers that helped 2
move our world forward. There's no 1 of them I consider greater than the
A teaching from the Quran is that God's true servants believe in all of his prophets
that is that way that I see it. I am a student of life, I study everything that interests
me. I like religion, but I'm into spirituality. I meditate, pray and study the bible as
well as the Quran and I've been religiously committed 2 just 1 "religion" in
the past. But now i perceive the connectedness of it all. I believe in 1 universal creator r
the same - in this way: They teach us 2 be good 2 each other. When u really
think about it, all that u can do 2 show that u even have a conscious knowledge
of god is 2 be of help in some way in life.
So, this connectedness that I perceive running thru them i associate with
what this Islamic Scholar Yusef Ali says is a nickname of Islam - The Gospel of
Unity! The the ultimate purpose of all true religion is 2 unify human
kind. It may sound naive, but i believe that our collective work on the earth
is 2 create the appropriate system whereby there is food and clean water for
everyone everywhere. Then explore space/ Only then will we be worthy of
meeting some other beings out there that may want to interact with us.
Even in Buddhism where there is not a belief in a deity, one is taught 2
nurture and care 4 others and do no harm 2 living beings. Well this is a glimpse n2
my world view and spirituality. I used 2 consider myself Christian. I also used
2 consider myself Jehovah's Witness - which is Christian as well. But after I
studied Islam I found it 2 be the most comprehensive. And 4 me the most
true of all I've found. I do have some progressive ideas that might be un-
welcomed in certain circles. I have a very liberal perspective of
things. So I've learned 2 not put forward my beliefs about Islam and
my personal progressive ideology. Not everyone is open minded in prison.
4 now
I'm in a bit of a hurry.
2012 dec 9
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2012 dec 9
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2011 jul 17
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2011 jul 2
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2011 may 20
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Replies (3)
I would love to see you post more blogs often as well!