July 1, 2013

An Open Letter to Governer Deval Patrick / Prison Failure

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


"An open letter to Governor Deval Patrick"

by Timothy J. Muise

June 1, 2013

Dear Readers and Supporters:

What follows is an open letter to Governor Deval Patrick. I am asking that people print out hard copies of this letter and mail them to the Governor at the state house, to "scan" copies and mail them to the Governor at his email address or state house email address, as well as to send their own communications to the Governor directly asking him to come in MCI Shirley and meet with prisoners.

My need to do this stems from the fact that the state house now has a "mail interception" policy which redirects any mail to the Governor or his cabinet back to the DOC to answer. When I send letters to the Governor they are answered by the superintendent here who I made the complaint about. If you can forward my letters someone on the Governors staff may actually see them.

More importantly we need to say what "needs to be said" even if he (Deval) does not hear it. Silence will end up with more death. The time has come to shout the deadly failures from the mountaintops. Please help me.

His Excellency Deval Patrick
Governor of the Commonwealth
State House
Room 360
Boston, MA
(617) 725-4005 or (413) 784-1200


Timothy J. Muise
MCI Shirley
P.O. Box 1218
Shirley, MA

June 1, 2013

His Excellency Deval Patrick
Governor of the Commonwealth
State House
Room 360
Boston, MA


Dear Governor Patrick:

Your prison system is a complete and utter failure and it is incomprehensible to someone who witnesses low-level drug offenders being turned into future murderers each day, by YOUR prison system, how during two (2) terms in the highest office in the state you have placed an ostrich head in the sand all in an effort to ensure political viability. May God save the soul of our fallen leader!

To continue to spend over $500,000,000.00 on a system that reaps 47% recidivism is a treasonous act. The Bay State has risen to the number one (1) state in the nation as far as staff to prisoner ratio. You fund the "jobs program" that is the department of correction with 68% of the budget being allocated to staff salaries ($352,000,000.00 at last check). Your staff are paid at such a high rate with their true badge of dishonor being that 1 in 2 prisoners return to the prison within three (3) years of realease. You have allowed the guard's union (MCOUFU) to bluff you into having four (4) employees assigned to do the tasks of only one (1) employee. This grand larceny depletes the ability to afford programming, education, and viable job training, while disregarding the rehabilitative mandate of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 124 S1(e). This is another treasonous act!

The blood in the Mattapan corridor each summer is on your hands. These mere children are led to the slaughter by the men who your prison system failed and unleashed on the streets. You and your prison system are as responsible as if you pulled the trigger yourself! How many more innocent deaths, how many more summers of murder, will it take for you to put all politics aside and truly do something to protect those folks who believed in your compassion and placed you in that high office?

You must come into the prisons and meet with the prisoners. You cannot continue to meet with the prison administrators about prison problems. You are seeking answers from the fox about the killing in the chicken coop. If you sit down with the right men behind these prison walls, and truly listen to them, they will be able to describe for you the true failures of this system: Guards sleep in the back rooms while the union claims understaffing. Young men seek education behind the wall and are afforded anger, resentment and hoplessness. Their ire is spread with a bullet!

Please allow me, as a representative of the prison population here, to assist you in arranging a meeting with the right men here at MCI Shirley, the centre jewel in your prison system's crown of failure. We will shed light on the problems, but most importantly we have workable solutions that can be immediately implemented. We offer to assist out of our duty to serve, and a no small risk, but the field of freedom must be fertilized with the blood of true patriots every so often.

Place all politics aside and seek to save the lives of the youth and innocents in your cities. Allow me to work with you to bring real and effective change to your system. Show the citizenry of the commonwealth that you have no betrayed their trust. The time is now to fire the shot heard round the world in prison reform. Dry the young blood on the streets with courage and patriotism. The dawn is ahead is you dare. God save the Commonwealth!

Urgently Yours,
Timothy J. Muise, #W66927
MCI Shirley
P.O Box 1218
Shirley, MA

"Who shall stand guard to the guards themselves?"


Replies (4) Replies feed

Imponderables Posted 11 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Timothy J. Muise Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Imponderables Posted 11 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hi Timothy,

Thank you for your reply. I would love to get involved but unfortunately I do not live in America and funds would not allow me to get there. I would like to get involved in any other things I could help with on an online basis.

Hoping you are well.


Timothy J. Muise Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

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