July 22, 2013

A Brief History of Shirleyworld - The Madness Journals - Chapter X

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


Chapter X

Well the bastards are up to their dirty tricks again here. They took my dear friend "Nino" to solitary confinement for a fight he has nothing to do with. The fools in the IPS squad must have listened to one of their self-serving informants they have working up in culinary arts where Nino was trying to earn a few days off his prison term. Some kid, who says he slipped on a wet floor, creates a mess up there and they pinch Nino due to his reputation as a serious customer. These fools who think they are real investigators grab Nino because they would like to have it on their resume that they conducted an investigation concerning a real bad ass. I know Nino is telling them where they can stick their investigation! Each and every prisoner and cop in the joint knows what really happened but these scum still have Nino in the box. You know it is not too serious of an investigation by who they assigned to interview cons about it. Two real fools: Big Ears and Former Sugar Cop. Believe me these are the bottom of the investigative totem pole (which does not reach very high no matter) and if it was a serious investigation they would not have allowed these true Barney Fife's to put the bullet in their shirt pocket. Of course you can't keep fools like Lt. Whirlwind out of it. She seems to forget that good cons will report her every move to the right "sources". She was overheard speaking to Nino's culinary boss "Botulism Bob" about his situation. You know she ain't inquiring to help out as that would be like someone from the IRS saying they were here to help you with your finances. If you buy that then I'd like to sell you a canyon in Colorado. Nino is tougher than these shitbags could ever dream of being, so I don't worry about him, I'm just pissed off that they can get away with this bullshit while kids shoot each other in Roxbury.

I'm happy to report that Father deMarco did in fact get his job back. He is still working on getting his single cell back, which these bastards stole from him on a lie (as you remember CO Cutts-Liar filed a false report on him). We are glad to have the Padre back in population and we will keep you updated about his single cell status. The fight goes on there.

The mailroom here (now run by a former IPS fool: CO Shitty) continues to destroy incoming mail even after numerous men have filed grievances about their damaged letters, postcards, and newsletters. The mailroom will tear off the entire corner of a postcard in order to remove the stamp. This takes all the text on the opposite side with that tear so you cannot decipher what your people were writing to you. They will also tear entire sections of a newsletter away to remove the stamp destroying the article on reverse. They will staple right through the face on one of your incoming family photos. They have absolute impunity as far as Kelly "The Boot" of Deputy Denied-Oh are concerned, and this mailroom guard, who got tossed off the IPS squad for misconduct toward a female staff person, takes perverse pleasure in messing with cons. We all know he hates himself. He wanted to be a real cop, to get back at those who took his lunch money in elementary school, but he could not make the grade and Mayberry was not hiring. He has to settle on being the mail sorter with a shiny badge. It makes him angry so he tears the postcards of old men. Very sad.

Bedtime for Bonzo continues here. They are still closing the school building on many week nights and Sgt. Mac-Hardly and CO Bottomfeeder are drooling on their puffy chins dreaming of the Chipendales Review down at P-Town. Sgt. Mac-Hardly is 14-0-1 in fights against handcuffed men. His ego soars but we are hoping to make it plunge to the depths of despair when he becomes the target of a formal investigation we are organizing. The files are in the hands of the press and the headquarters of the gulags is scrambling for cover. More to come on that topic but for now "hush hush/wink & nod" (-; (-;

The cop on my unit opened a cell door so that he could watch the NBA playoffs from his podium. The con took exception. The cop opened the door again and told the con he better let him watch or that he could send him to solitary. Both the cop and the con are latino so the exchange was in Spanish, but I read the grievance this guy filed (by the way his con has kidney disease and is on dialysis, has a "tag" line coming out of his chest, and is far sicker than you want to be in prison - it is no coincidence that the guard is picking on him). The next day after the con filed the grievance the cop approached him and basically told him he would regret it. It is supposed to be a "confidential" grievance process, as that would insulate cons from retaliation, but NOTHING in the DOC is what it is supposed to be. EVERYTHING is geared toward abusive control and counter productive to the enhancement of public safety. This guy does not want the police to watch his TV and the police are not supposed to be watching TV on their shift, but a with everything in the DOC the con is wrong. I'm proud of that this guy at least has the balls to write this guy up. Good for him!!! We need more of that.

This past month so many guys went up to med call and their medications were not available. You see the UMass contract is running out and a new medical provider is coming in, so what do you do? You say to hell with men's medication and wait for the next guy to foot the bill! Dr. Kavorkian would be proud of these death merchants. Men could not get heart and seizure meds, men were going through pain medication withdrawl, and guys were having borderline manic episodes due to lack of psyche meds. We are so fortunate that no one was killed here. This is a cruel and brutal world: not on the part of the cons but on the part of the screws, suits and medical providers. Their standard answer is, "put in a sick slip", and I hope to be able to tell them one day when we have an investigation conducted into the medical malfeasance: PUT IN A SICK SLIP DR. DEATH!!!

More to come...


Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sunday Morning Services 9-10am
Fellowship 10-11am

Adoration 9-10am
Video/Bible Study 1-2:30
"Faith Study" 2:30-3:30
Communion Service 7-8:30
Spanish Rosary 7-8:30

Communion Service & Rosary w/ M.J & Patty 1-3:30
"Four Agreements" 7-8:30

Adoration 9-10am
Spanish Catholic Mass 7-8:30

ALPHA 1-8:3- (School Bldg.)

Times and locations of all programs are subject to change. Any changes or announcements are made at the beginning of Sunday's Service.


Replies (2) Replies feed

heather101 Posted 11 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I worked on the transcription for your post.

It's fascinating to hear what you have to say, I never realized this kind of thing happened in american prisons and as someone from the UK this surprised me a lot. I wonder if this kind of thing happens over here too...

Hope to hear more from you,

Timothy J. Muise Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

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