Nov. 4, 2013

It's Nothing I Haven't Said

From The Novelist Portent by Johnny E. Mahaffey (author's profile)


Johnny E. Mahaffey
September 24, 2013


I knew this would occur,
I told so in my letters:
I would be convicted, I said.
With no real lawyer, I was
at the mercy of a court,
without mercy.

It would be of no appeal, I said.
My hope, a PCR, Post Conviction Relief hearing.
It would take six years, I said.
It took that to the day, almost.
Now, soon, I may be on my way --

I had a life, then no life, now
a life once again. But what life?
Truth is always found, it has a way, I said.
It found that way. A way to get me home.
A way I knew all along.
Now I smell the pizzas the children
and I will make. They can come to
their daddy's store, the one I said I'd make.

My past may attempt to haunt me,
but taunt me, I will not allow.
Even now this prison attempts to hinder me,
In every way it can. Holding back
my mail -- Between the Bars they fear.
Truth an enemy of the wrongful,
the facts they fear that will reveal their acts.
Constitution set aside: they plot.
As I've always said.

In the end truth always wins, I, and others, have said.
Those immoral are themselves set aside.
Making way for better kind.
Kinds such as I, that will go on to
a better life: raise what life my kids
have left, all grown up from their daddy's loss.
Grandkids one day to run my house.
To see our family store supply a town.
To work their way lightly, playing along the days.
All this will come to pass, because
it is truth I say.

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Replies (4) Replies feed

queenmomma Posted 11 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Really is it true?? I would like to see you free to carry out your ambitions. I find myself curious about you more and more. I often wonder if you will resemble the boy I once knew who was sweet, the man who refused to be an adult and I learned to despise or something else all together. I wonder what you would say to my children, would you try to take the place of the man who has been their "daddy" in your absence? Admittedly I'm fearful of your release due to all my unanswered questions. I don't know how this would affect my children. Please don't think I wish you pain because I don't. All these years I've healed at your expense knowing I wouldn't have to face the one who broke me. Even now I still struggle dispite my cozy life I've settled into. Johnny, you carved your name in my heart as if I were an old oak tree. I may no longer belong in your forest but you will always remain as my scar.

Johnny E. Mahaffey Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Tenaj Posted 10 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
I think its important to offer that decision to the children instead of forcing it. I for one let my children decide whether or not the distance and time that separated them for so long was repairable. You see it wasnt my choice as to whether or not they were going to forgive them but it was my job to allow them that opportunity. I wish your family the best of luck !

Johnny E. Mahaffey Posted 10 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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