Nov. 28, 2013


by David Troupe (author's profile)


I WANT TO GRIEVE/QUIERO QUEJARME DE: On 9/29/2013 between 8:40 am and 8:55 am C/O [redacted] did a cell search by himself for 5-10 minutes in IMU-S-D11. When returned to my cell nothing appeared searched until I got to the back of my cell where my legal work and grievances was trashed. I fixed my papers and noticed my grievances on C/O [redacted] and C/O [redacted] were gone as well as 2 stamped envelopes with "legal mail" on them that had complaints to the courts on C/O [redacted] and C/O [redacted] (outgoing). At 12:30 pm I spoke with C/O [redacted] about C/O [redacted] cell search, C/O [redacted] admitted my cell did not look like anything was moved, even my blankets and sheets were still on the mattress. So, it's obvious C/O [redacted] focus was my outgoing mail, grievances, legal mail at the head of my bed. Since he was in my cell for over 5 minutes without another C/O, I believe C/O [redacted] took my grievances and legal mail complaints on himself and C/O [redacted] to destroy them.

SUGGESTED REMEDY/REMEDIO SUGERIDO: Keep the D-pod videos for 9/29/2013 8:30-9:00 am. Administrative action. Keep C/O [redacted] and I separate. [10/3/13]


I met with Officer [redacted] regarding this grievance and he states all that he removed from your cell was trash from the trash can and an extra towel. It was a security check, not a cell search, and there is no requirement that two officers be present. The claims that Officer [redacted] took grievances or legal mail from your cell are unfounded.

[Original response.]

[2nd response]

Sgt. [redacted] reports: I met with Officer [redacted] regarding this grievance and he states all that he removed from your cell during the cell search was trash from the trash can and an extra towel. There is no requirement that two officers be present. The claims that Officer [redacted] took grievances or legal mail from your cell are unfounded.

[I filed an appeal, but they sent me this "amended" version because I sent them a cell search report proving he did a cell search.]


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