Aug. 6, 2014

Intro. To The World

by Shawn M. Barb (author's profile)


Hello! My name is Shawn M Barb. You can find me here :-) or; Red Onion State Prison P.O. Box 1900 Pound, VA 24279.

I would like to make friends with people all over the world. I love to write, draw, and learn. I am a open book and would like to share my crazy life with as many people as I can. I would like to tell you some of my secrets and hear some of yours. Having someone to open up to is very nice.
I am doing time for credit card crimes and escape. So don't be took back by me being in a max prison. I am a straight up person who was dealt a bad hand. Join me in building memories and a great friendship. I look forward to hearing from you and my next post. I am new to the blog scene. So bare with me and hit me up for ideas or just to let me know someone is listening.
My song for the week is JZ Forever Young. To everyone reading, takecare, be strong, and keep your head up. Life is a beautiful thing never take it for granted.


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Julia Posted 10 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Take care.

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