Sept. 25, 2014

To The World

by Shawn M. Barb (author's profile)



To the world,

I apologize for taking so long to post something. However, things in here do have there times when things get crazy. No big surprise! But I never let it get me down. I have been fortunate enough to be put in an honor dorm. So things seem to be looking up. You can always find some kind of good even in the worst situation. The way to succeed this is not to just look at the bad, but to look at the good in the bad. It's always there, you just gotta look. That's my philosophy lesson. I'm not really a philosopher but I try and have some great ideas to help mankind. Sometimes anyways :-)

Well I hope to hear from someone soon to help understand what to do or what people want to know, learn or talk bout. Life is moving too fast in the outside world, we all need to slow down and enjoy life's gifts. So take a minute to listen to MJ and Akon = Hold My hand. As you listen to it, think of me and let me know what you think.

I promise to post sooner this time. Live, Love, Life.


Replies (3) Replies feed

Ajj13 Posted 8 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Hi Shawn! My name is Alyssa and I have read both of your blog posts and have enjoyed them. I would love to see more posts from you. I see you have moved when I looked you up on VA DOC prison website. I will post the address here so hopefully Between the Bars will send it to the right address. I hope to hear back soon :)


Shawn M. Barb #1047380
1821 Estaline Valley Road
Craigsville, Virginia 24430

Shawn M. Barb Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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Ajj13 Posted 8 years ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years ago   Favorite
Hi Shawn! I would love it if you would send in your artwork. I would like to see it on here. I was also wondering if you would be able to help me with something. I am asking a few people on the some questions for a college research project and was wondering if you would answer them if you felt like it. What are ways that men deal with missing women in prison? Do you think men change not being around women? If so in what ways? How do you think this affects them when they are released? How do men deal with their "needs"? Do you think men become more reserved or dont know how to deal with a womens "touch" when released from prison? ;) I just want to hear your input on this out of curiosity. Speak your mind. I would love to maybe see a blog post about this too. It could be one of your first! Thank you. Hope to hear back soon :)

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