Aug. 31, 2014


From Counterfeit Freedom by Roland F. Stoecker Jr (author's profile)


-Sordid lies become my reality-
I could be happy/content and take a kidnapped look outside the window and see a cloud/star that could remind me of a memory/word which leads to a sentence that could be part of a conversation I once had or wish I did have.

-Illicit tears-
Where was I?
When I needed you the most
Sitting next to you
lost and alone
as I rubbed your aching feet
Roland 8/1/14

My silly putty heart
taking impressions
from those around me
Roland 6/30/14

In vain
I claim to be a resurrection man
every dead thing I've said or done
remains that way
Roland 7/22/14

-The spiders ate my soul-
I rember saying
I love you
and watched those feeble words
take flight
only to crumble from the sky
like dead butterflies
before they reached you
Roland 7/11/14

-Can't See-
The bag of bones that carries me
Every where and no where
one day will meet me
when I am ready to surrender
Roland 12/4/13

-under achiever, some time God believer-
sitting on this torn up family heirloom couch
waiting for my turn
to see if God
really does give a shit
Roland 3/23/13


Replies (3) Replies feed

Calhoun25 Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
These poems remind me of the great modernist poets, such as T.S. Eliot and W.H. Auden. They are terse, yet pack quite a punch. I wonder: did you intentionally organize the poems in this manner? A way to enhance one's poetry, is to find clever ways of organizing it. This effect is greatest when the poems seem largely unrelated; for it keeps the reader thinking why they were organized so. (And hopefully, there is a deep, yet not immediately obvious reason why they are collected so.) Also, I think the "/"'s in the first poem are rather ingenious. I have never seen that before; I think it reveals an attitude of great indecision. Keep writing, and keep your head up; can't wait to read your next works.

JollyFigs Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
You should try writing a haiku poem.

Roland F. Stoecker Jr Posted 10 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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