Oct. 4, 2014

Comment Response

From Prison Dad by Robert Pezzeca (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Untitled thumbnail
(June 1, 2013)


REPLY ID: bp4f



Buongiorno (Good Morning) Blondie, It's really early but this is the quietest time in prison. Best time to write & focus on my own thoughts. You once tole me that you were a huge internet junkie so I guess this is your area of expertise. I don't know how to find anything o the internet. I have no internet access. What I do have is a 15 year old typewriter that I have grown to love & rely on.

My soon to be 13 year old niece, Destiny, want a puppy. Would be her first animal. She is a very smart & mature kid & she would do great with a god. But she desperately wants a female Shih Tzu. Problem is, my family cannot afford $700 - $1,000 for a dog. They really live pay check to pay check right now & they can't take another bill like that, how many people can in this day & age. Surely not too many. But I know how amazing shelters can be. My friend BJ saved a shelter dog & I'm wondering if anyone knows how to find either a cheap Shih Tzu or a shelter dog that maybe Destiny would love. They live in Eastern Ohio so hopefully once ca n be located close to them. But I'm sure shelter dogs can be adopted from all over the country.

I myself would settle for any shelter dog, they all need to be loved & saved. I know the realities of living in a cage & no dog deserves that. They committed no crime, they don't deserve t be punished. I love animals myself because they have no ill will or evil intent in their bodies. There ain't no such thing as an evil bird, they live on instinct, survival. I hate watching it but a lion doesn't kill a gazelle because it's angry at it, it's hungry & that's food. Anyway, my point is, if you or anyone else reading can help find the dog my niece is looking for, or anything close to it, then please contact my sister on Facebook, Jennifer Bennett. Let her know you found a dog for Destiny. I really appreciate the help.

Life sucks right now. I was told my mom has AML, acute myeloid leukemia & I'm scared to death. I'm lucky if I slept 4 hours last night. I don't know how to turn the worry off. The last cancer my mm had, (I'll spell it wrong) myelodysplastic syndrome (a form of leukemia), it was easier because my family tole me it was a non-fatal form. But this new one is & it scare the hell outta me.

Well I've taken up enough of your time. Take care & please let us know if you have any ideas on a dog.

God Bless


Replies (2) Replies feed

BostonRocks Posted 10 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Robert Pezzeca Posted 10 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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