Oct. 6, 2014

Comment Response

From Prison Dad by Robert Pezzeca (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Another Rough Day In Prison thumbnail
Another Rough Day In Prison
(Aug. 31, 2014)


Reply ID: b23g

Sept. 21, 2014: 6:45 am Listening To: Wish You Were Here By: Pink Floyd

Dear CJP,

Hi. I wanted to thank you for your most recent post to my blog.

My mom is my world. You know, in a normal life the average person can lose certain family members or friends, or even girlfriends, but losing a mom is never the same. I am very close to my mom and I can't imagine a world without her. I would rather have her cancer and die from it myself. No one loves you like your mom, no one will take care of you like your mom, no one will always be there for you like your mom. I see the relationship I have with my mom and then I think of my daughter Krista, who basically has no mom, but my mom is her Grandmom and we all need my mom.

This is not an easy time and my mom recently told my brother that she has to realize she is dying. I told my brother to get her head out of that thought. She is not dying, she must fight and keep her hopes and spirit strong. We were made in God's image.

I don't understand why we have these imperfections in our bodies. Why do we have cancer that we cannot cure? Why does it take hundreds of millions of dollars, or even more, to figure out a cure? I read about my moms cancer, just a page in a medical book and acute myeloid leukemia is a very serious and dangerous cancer.

So I want to thank you for your prayers for my mom. Please pray for her. My mom is like every other mother, she made mistakes, she is not perfect, but she did her best and she is a loving mom. Her kids come first and this time I wish I could do something for her.

I barely sleep anymore so I can't even think straight. Worrying is such a useless emotion. You can't do anything, so why do we worry?

My mom has been through so much tragedy in her life. She has always fought but I fear that she may lose the will to fight. I hope not and I need to help her find the will to stay strong and fight on. So, once again, my mom Beverly, is in need of your prayers and I thank you for praying for her.

As for my daughter Krista, she is doing better, she is talking to my brother and my sister Jenn. She was supposed to meet Jenn for the first time but Jenn's mom, my stepmom Sandy, was in a bad car accident. Someone slammed into her side of the car and she is in the hospital with a lot of different injuries and broken bones. Poor woman just can't seem to get a break. Sandy is, was, my biological father's wife at the time of his death. They have 3 children together, 2 girls and a boy. My brother died at childbirth.

Well CJP, I want to thank you for writing and for continuing to read what I write. Take care and thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless


Replies (2) Replies feed

BostonRocks Posted 10 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I hope you don't mind but I edited it a bit, by making it more than one paragraph so that it is a easier read.

Robert Pezzeca Posted 10 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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