Oct. 27, 2011

Out Sight- Out Of Mind

by Quashon Huskey (author's profile)


Title Blog Post 10-15-11
Theme: Out of Sight - Out of Mind...

Hello World! My Name is Quashon Huskey and I need someone to tell me the significance of the phrase, Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Is it to be taken literally or figuratively? Or even Metaphorically? I know first hand that whoever coined those famous words has the left behind on his mind. To be left out in the cold is to be left for dead. No, you say? I beg to differ. Me being behind these walls/gates is the equivalent of being erased from the face of the earth. So, when Someone doesn't see you, They tend not to think about you on a day to day basis. Then as time goes on, Everybody literally forgets you exist. How is that possible? From the outside looking in, It may not seem that way. But from the INSIDE looking out, It feels that way. The enigma of Life is hard enough to grasp, but the concept of Out of Sight - Out of Mind is even more difficult to handle, mainly because from where I sit, It is So True. Everyone who lives wants to be loved by someone. Knowing that no one cares is a detriment to a person's mental capacity. It is very hard for those in my situation to deal with that notion.

So I say all that to say this: If you have someone out of your sight, Keep them on your mind. A few kind words does the soul some good and goes a long way.

Free free to Respond, Comment, or Answer at your wishes. Any questions will be received and tread and Answered in a timely manner. Until next time, Love One another as if they have the same mother...

By: Quashon Huskey #0872341


Replies (6) Replies feed

Lasha Posted 13 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Qua know that your never out of mind. Things are definitely not good out here. Everyday gets harder and harder to make it and keep pushing. Believe it or not out here in this world I still don't feel free. I hate that your there bc it's senseless. Just know even though I'm not much of writer your always in my heart and prayers. You have a heart of gold that most never seen. You would walk into a room and light it up with your smile. Know we always hold u down out here.Love Sha xoxo

sharon_huskey Posted 13 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Qua, I could never forget you. As a single parent I always will and still have your back. To me out of sight;out of mind means that although I'm not physically able to see you, mentally baby boy you are always on my mind. If I had one wish, it would be that I could turn back the hands of time and give you an opportunity to do what you always felt was right.
Although people do go one with their lives, this will give you the knowledge of who's really your friends, In the end, FAMILY is ALL you have. Every since we relocated here, I've always told you to watch your back, you can take care of your enemies, but ask GOD to watch over your FAMILY and FRIENDS. I love you today as much as I did when I brought you into this world. Stay strong 1 ball(LOL), Mommy love you.

sharon_huskey Posted 13 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
The story of Christ’s birth is a miracle in and of itself. Matthew 1:18 explains that …Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. This was unheard of and had never happened before. Although it was not the first or last miracle, it was a major miracle. It was God Himself showing up as babe to save the world from sin. Luke 2:7 reminds us that “Mary brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes…” It was a miracle!

God still works miracles. As a rule, we have perhaps learned how to work our faith but have stopped asking for and expecting miracles. Working faith is a right thing because Hebrews 11:6 says “for without faith it is impossible to please God , for he that comes to God must believe that He is and that he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.” Faith is a part of the process of receiving healing, resources, jobs, and doors opened for us. Process is the orderly sequence of events that bring about a particular end. Process is great. However, we cannot neglect expecting the miraculous. There are certain times where we don’t need the process but we need a right now miracle.

A miracle is a sign of the presence and working of God, a wonder that produces astonishment in the beholder, and a work of superhuman power. A miracle is where there is an instant immediate supernatural divinely intervened action to change what we may be dealing with. Jesus came as a miracle and worked miracles throughout His earthly ministry.

Today we stand as candidates for a miracle, an uncommon move of God. To receive a miracle we all must acknowledge:

a. There is a problem or need. Without which there is no need for a miracle. Someone may have to admit today that I have a problem in my marriage, in my finances, a problem in my spirituality, with health, or an addiction problem. In Luke 7:2-10, a centurion soldier came to Jesus and acknowledged that he had a problem, a sick servant.

b. There must be uncommon faith. The kind that agrees that with a word from the Lord the miracle can happen in an instant. The centurion told Jesus that he did not feel worthy to have Jesus come under his roof but asked Jesus to speak the word and his servant would be healed. Jesus noted that the man had faith for a miracle. The servant was healed right then.

c. There must also be uncommon expectation.

What kind of miracle do you need today? Anything can happen for you now; only believe. Get ready; this is the season for your miracle, and God is with us to bring it to pass.

Scripture Of The Day: “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know.” - Acts 2:22 (NKJV)

alliebutler40 Posted 13 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Hey Quashon!
I want you to know that we are always thinking about you and are praying for you! I sent you a friend request and a message and I pray that you send a response! Your dad really loves you and he often cries thinking about what happened and wishes he could be there more. We pray to send you some things for your birthday! Love, Allie and Margaret

taya Posted 13 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
hey qua do u have a little baby son?

Quashon Huskey Posted 13 years ago.   Favorite
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