Daniel Gwynn Blog Update
Date: 5/14/15
Subject: "Uprising"
I don't know whether to cry or cheer as I watched the protesting in Baltimore unfold after Freddie Gray's murder. It started out small and seemingly unimportant, as it was just another black demonstration over another "black issue" that'll die itself out in a short while. But then the young folk said enough was enough and took to the streets to tear shit up. Albeit they had hurt themselves by tearing up their community, in the end, they gained the support they should've had in the first place. Why do we need to act like a fool before people (on both sides of the issue) choose to do what is right? Thousands across the US came out in protest & support for days; celebrities rallied & entertained; commentators shucked & jived; activists voiced the people's dissatisfaction while teaching the young; and politicians & celebrity activists posed for pictures. Washington; Ferguson; Denver; Cincinnati; Philly & New York all joined the fight. The government felt the people's outrage, but sat back & smiled to themselves as they lined their pockets with federal & private funding and overtime pay. They knew that all they had to do was ride out the storm, as the people's anger & interest would fade like it always has.
With all of the town hall meetings, panel discussions, investigations & committees, what has really been done to stop the senseless police brutality epidemic since it was exposed? Nothing good, as more young black men lie dead in the streets or police custody. People are so easily placated & quieted by a few promises for change. The real soldiers are still marching on, yelling at the top of their lungs: "No Justice, No Peace!" While the police & politicians go right back to killing more young black unarmed citizens. We know what must be done, so why isn't it getting done?
This reminds me of the elections of President Barack Obama, where all of America came out in droves to overwhelmingly support getting the first black & best man into office. But once he was elected, all of that support faded and he was left to fend for himself against the onslaught of opposition. Even some of his own political allies turned against him. So I sit here and wonder what will it take for real change? I sit and wait for the next black man to be murdered by the police.
[signature of Daniel Gwynn]
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