February 22, 2016
Is It Rape Or Mishap?
This article is for teenage girls and boys who are entrapping innocent people with statutory rape or molestation. The word for today is acceptance. Can cause a world of trouble.
At the age of 13 years, I felt like nobody cared about me. I was ignored majority of the time so I began to search for acceptance, no matter where it was good or bad. I began having sex with a 27-year-old man. I lied about my age because any other way, I would have not had a chance. I was loving the affection and the gifts.
After that, I started to see it worked. So I tried it on some more older guys. It continued to work.
My mom got wind of it from somebody. That I was going out with a 27-year-old man. I denied it, but I did not holler that he forced me to do it. In life you cannot help who you are attracted to.
When puberty kicks in, things happen to your body. Does that mean you are less than a human? No. God created us to be sexual beings. It's the way we handle things. Have I ever been attracted to any of my teachers? Yes. I had this physical education teacher. I thought he was drop dead gorgeous. Did I ever go there? No. Because I knew that he was there to do a job. I would never put anyone's job into jeopardy.
We all had to go through puberty. Really, it's no joke. But there's a right and wrong way to do things. Right way is to date within your age range because why? Even if you're 13 years old, you deceived to go out with a 17 year old. They can charged with statutory rape or molestation. Which I feel is so stupid. Because these are children. As long as they are teenagers, why trap them into this penal system with this foolishness?
There was a situation with my two sons where some girls (teenagers) set up a trap. My sons were teenagers. So the girls went and lied to the police about what happened. They charged one son with molestation, the other one with statutory rape. I went ballistic. Because the girls got caught slipping out of the group home, they lied on my sons. All the charges were dropped on my sons. Come to find out. These same girls put one boy in prison. Did the same thing in another state to other teenage boys. Now they are trying to free these people.
I've been that fast teenager as they say in the South. But I have never lied on anyone. I admit that I was wrong for lying about my age and putting those men in harm's way of the law. It's wrong to deceive people.
Well, kids, today is a new day for you. If you are that teenager girl or boy who has sent an innocent person to jail or prison for molestation or statutory rape, whether it be your teacher or whatever, please come forth. Tell the truth. There are people who are raping and molesting for real that needs those beds in prison.
When a person is convicted of a sex crime, for the rest of their lives, they are marked in the worst way. This is no joke to be labeled as a sex offender for the rest of their lives. People will admire you more if you come forth with the truth. I lied out of fear.
So my teenagers, stop looking for acceptance in the wrong ways. Get around positive people. That's going to lead you to a road of success.
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Jennifer Johnson
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