Papyrus Collective
June 11, 2016

The NGR Word Issue

From Write or Die by Byron Wilson (author's profile)


(1 of 2) File @ : Papyrus Collective Group Blog

The NGR Word issue

The "Nigger" or NGR issue is what this WODZ edition of New Generation Rising (NGR) is now refered to within our
editorial/writing circle. If you have some sensitivity about use of the NGR word, you should be aware of the subject
matter & language. What I mean is, you should read the series of posts related to the NGR issue, and comment to it. The
subject & topic is as much about duíscussion & dialogue as it is about teaching, or sharing perspective.

The initial 3-4 sets or posts are to be the opening pages of NGR later. After transcription & editing, not only does
what you transcribe go into the pages of NGR, but what yoz post in your comments may go into the comment/reply
secction of NGR as well. This issue is what I call the multimedia edition of our prisoner zine series. Which is
posting & writing the pages of our zines there on my blog, taking your transcriptions & comments, and putting
that all into WODZ.

At the core of this edition of NGR, it was intended for this blog to reach a young generation on a more interactive
and accessible medium, so subject matter like what you'll find in the NGR word titles is intended to be
as much engaging, relevant, and in-tune, as it is raw. Honest & direct. It's something worth reading - for
those with better things to do, like you.

(2 of 2)

Also, look for prompts or topic related questions under the NGR hashtag (') post titles. A #NGR is a que that the
subject matter or ongoing theme is changing, or just fishing for more specific feedback from your comments.

The creative energy and conversation is largely focused on what is now the NGR word issue, as well as other related
issues or racial identity, culture, and history.
Both myself and xzyzst are still in research & development mode and writing as much as can be covered before posting it.
Once the comments begin to reach me for reply, it's going to be interesting to see how this and following volumes of
NGR come together. Lets see.

WriteOrDieZine (WODZ)
Piankhi, editor


Replies (2) Replies feed

Julia Posted 8 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
(1 of 2) File @ : Papyrus Collective Group Blog

The NGR Word issue

The "Nigger" or NGR issue is what this WODZ edition of New Generation Rising (NGR) is now refered to within our
editorial/writing circle. If you have some sensitivity about use of the NGR word, you should be aware of the subject
matter & language. What I mean is, you should read the series of posts related to the NGR issue, and comment to it. The
subject & topic is as much about duíscussion & dialogue as it is about teaching, or sharing perspective.

The initial 3-4 sets or posts are to be the opening pages of NGR later. After transcription & editing, not only does
what you transcribe go into the pages of NGR, but what yoz post in your comments may go into the comment/reply
secction of NGR as well. This issue is what I call the multimedia edition of our prisoner zine series. Which is
posting & writing the pages of our zines there on my blog, taking your transcriptions & comments, and putting
that all into WODZ.

At the core of this edition of NGR, it was intended for this blog to reach a young generation on a more interactive
and accessible medium, so subject matter like what you'll find in the NGR word titles is intended to be
as much engaging, relevant, and in-tune, as it is raw. Honest & direct. It's something worth reading - for
those with better things to do, like you.

(2 of 2)

Also, look for prompts or topic related questions under the NGR hashtag (') post titles. A #NGR is a que that the
subject matter or ongoing theme is changing, or just fishing for more specific feedback from your comments.

The creative energy and conversation is largely focused on what is now the NGR word issue, as well as other related
issues or racial identity, culture, and history.
Both myself and xzyzst are still in research & development mode and writing as much as can be covered before posting it.
Once the comments begin to reach me for reply, it's going to be interesting to see how this and following volumes of
NGR come together. Lets see.

WriteOrDieZine (WODZ)
Piankhi, editor

Byron Wilson Posted 6 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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