Papyrus Collective
June 11, 2016

Guardian Angel

From Write or Die by Byron Wilson (author's profile)


file @ Papyrus Collective

Guardian Angel

Lastnight I had a dream, a tale to tell,
I dreamt I saw an angel, poor thing wasn't well.
His body bruised and battered, his wings were ripped and torn,
He could hardly walk, he looked so tired and worn.
I walked right up to him, "Angel, how could this be",
He turned around, and paused a bit, then said these words to me:

"I'm your guardian angel, a great task, as you can see,
You've run so wild all of your life, look what you've done to me.
These bruises are from shelding you in times when you were ill,
Those dangerous drugs and alcohol, I've often paid the bill.
You say my wings are torn and battered, it's a nobel badge I wear,
How often I've flown you from evil when you were unaware.
You've made me wish more than once I was unemployed
when you can finally make it on your own,
you'll need not fear or worry, for I will never leave you alone.

I could not believe all that I heard, much less how he cared,
I cried upon his shoulders, then left him in despair.
The next morning, I saw sin and wondered, "Should I try?"
And in the distance, I thought I heard my guardian angel cry.

By: Kai Harris

(note to reader)

And for the record,
I don't believe in no god,
church was forced on me as a child,
so the church didn't lose me,
neva had me!

-Tako (Tayo?)

Poetry, Prose & Condz Vol II


Replies (2) Replies feed

Julia Posted 8 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
file @ Papyrus Collective

Guardian Angel

Lastnight I had a dream, a tale to tell,
I dreamt I saw an angel, poor thing wasn't well.
His body bruised and battered, his wings were ripped and torn,
He could hardly walk, he looked so tired and worn.
I walked right up to him, "Angel, how could this be",
He turned around, and paused a bit, then said these words to me:

"I'm your guardian angel, a great task, as you can see,
You've run so wild all of your life, look what you've done to me.
These bruises are from shelding you in times when you were ill,
Those dangerous drugs and alcohol, I've often paid the bill.
You say my wings are torn and battered, it's a nobel badge I wear,
How often I've flown you from evil when you were unaware.
You've made me wish more than once I was unemployed
when you can finally make it on your own,
you'll need not fear or worry, for I will never leave you alone.

I could not believe all that I heard, much less how he cared,
I cried upon his shoulders, then left him in despair.
The next morning, I saw sin and wondered, "Should I try?"
And in the distance, I thought I heard my guardian angel cry.

By: Kai Harris

(note to reader)

And for the record,
I don't believe in no god,
church was forced on me as a child,
so the church didn't lose me,
neva had me!

-Tako (Tayo?)

Poetry, Prose & Condz Vol II

Byron Wilson Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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