Feb. 18, 2017

Guard Murdered In A Delaware Prison

From Prison Dad by Robert Pezzeca (author's profile)


Guard Murdered In a Delaware Prison

Feb. 3, 2017
6:30 a.m
Watching the news

I chose that title so it's see and not overlooked. Let's be clear: it is never okay to murder anyone. I don't care what they did. I have not seen the entire story. In PA prisons, we get local news stations, CNN, and HLN; that's it. So I have not seen the whole story, but what I did see was that prisoners took three guards and a counselor hostage, and a guard was killed.

I don't know how or why, but murder is never okay.

But what I did see was a prisoner listing their demands, and the very first thing I heard was how they needed to be treated like human beings. Better medical care. The local news cut the story off after that.

I don't like to keep complaining about the horrors in here. Two times, I watched men die in front of me from little to no medical care. I watched a man collapse while running, took the nurses over ten minutes to get to him once they were notified. And in that specific case, these nurses were all 300+ pounds; they walked there. He died of a heart attack. I watched a man fall at pill line; he also died of a heart attack. When the nurse got there, she said he fainted and he'll be okay. Obviously not.

We are given the lowest medical care possible. My aunt Cindy got better medical care than we do, and she just had gall bladder surgery. And she had a very bad experience. Emergency surgery so they made her wait 10 hours in pain, until all the other surgeries were finished and she was the last. She told me she thought she would die; she was terrified. But at least she got the surgery. In here, they would have told her it's heartburn, go back to your cell.

What I'm trying to say is it's sad that a man was murdered while doing his job. But could he have been one of the guards who spit in prisoners' food? Harass their visitors, treat prisoners like garbage? I don't know. But it happens in every prison nationwide, every day. Go google the story from SCI Pittsburgh, or Western it's sometimes called, in Pittsburgh, PA. Years ago, male guards were sodomizing mentally retarded male inmates. They enjoyed hurting them. It was sadistic. A PA state trooper named Patrick Flinn was arrested for trying to have sex with a 9-year-old little girl yesterday in Luzerne County, PA.

Abuse by people who are put in authority of others cannot continue to be tolerated. How many female prisoners get raped by male officers daily? I would be willing to bet the number nationwide is over 1,000 rapes committed per day by male staff. In my impact of crime class, I also learned that elderly are being hurt in nursing homes by staff.

This has to stop. People need to speak up and help end the abuse.

But now I move on too. I am nervous. I have to give a five minute speech tomorrow morning to 400 or so lifers. Most are black Muslims. I am running for vice president spot of the Lifers Organization here at SCI Dallas. The vote is immediately after my speech so I'll let you know what happens.

Also, if anyone has tried to figure out the email site but couldn't, I am including step-by-step instructions. A friend of mine that I met on this site recently sent them to me. A big part of my job will be networking, so anyone out there who is involved in a church, an organization, who would like to work with a Lifers org., get in touch. Maybe we can create something together. Please don't be shy or hide in the shadows.

I believe in change, that's why I am running for the VP spot. Running against a Muslim who is running around the prison telling everyone to vote for him because he is a Muslim brother, and they can't let any white devils in. It is definitely not all Muslims though. I, for one, can say that I have a few Muslim friends that would never say some crap like that.

Well, let me go. I have to go to breakfast, then Impact of Crime group, then work, then in the afternoon, I have the typing class. And on top of that, I still have to finish my speech. I can't memorize it all so I'll have to read it. Hope that doesn't make me look bad.

Take care. That stupid groundhog said winter isn't over (I don't believe in that, but it is all over TV). So if you love snow, get out in it. Go play with the kids.

I am going to include some emails. Anyone who wants to help out: thousands of others and I would be very grateful. Read more on my Fight for Lifers post. Thank you for reading. I look forward to all comments. I always respond to everyone. God bless, ciao.


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