Welcome to the FCB Program! We are happy that you chose to commit yourself to change. FCB is a twelve (12) month voluntary program. We encourage you to put 100% into the program, because you will only get out of it what you put into it. As participants of a voluntary Faith and Character Based Program, we are held to higher standards of conduct than the general population. Please make yourself familiar with the FCB rule and regulations in this orientation package. Our hope is for you to be successful in FCB, but ultimately YOU are responsible for your own success.
General Outline
Here are some general things that you need to know:
Facilitator: When you moved into the dorm you were adopted into a pod family. The pod families are arranged by room numbers: 101-106, 107-112, 113-117, 118-122, 201-206, 207-212, 213-217, 218-222. Each family has a name and facilitator assigned to it. This will be your pod family and pod facilitator for the duration of your stay in the program unless the housing sergeant moves you to another room for whatever reason.
Pod Meetings: Pod meetings are a mandatory part of the program. You will be informed by your pod family facilitator or the pod encourager as to when your pod family holds its meetings. It is your responsibility to attend these meetings or to inform your facilitator about any callouts you may have.
The Covenant: You will be required to write a one page covenant, which is a binding agreement or promises you make to yourself as to why you chose to participate in the FCB Program and what your intentions are. You will have 7 days to complete this assignment. The following is a guideline as to what it should contain:
. Give a brief statement of your understanding and agreement to live by the Institutional Rules.
. Give a brief statement of your understanding and agreement to live by FCB expectations.
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. Give a brief statement of your understanding and agreement to live by FCB Rules.
. Explain your covenant (based on your faith or values) as to how you will live responsibly in the FCB community and in your personal relationships with your family and others.
Essays: Every quarter (three months) you are required to write a minimum of one essay on one of the topics listed below. Your pod facilitator may recommend a topic in order to satisfy your hourly requirement for a specific domain. Essays are to be a minimum of three (3) pages and are due by the end of the second month of the quarter.
Approved Essay Topics
- Attitude
- Re-entry
- Community
- Faith
- Healthy Choices
- Hobbies
- Marriage
- Family
- Relationships
- Children
- Law
Individual Design Embracing Authentic Life (I.D.E.A.L) Plan: The IDEAL Plan and Portfolio provides the inmate with an intentional plan in preparation for living as a law abiding citizen who contributes to the well being of the community. It is a number of documents that are developed throughout the FCB program. It creates a basic plan for personal action concerning employment, family life, continuing education and life in free society.
Components of the IDEAL Life Plan may include, but will not be limited to:
- Living with Purpose: Here you will define what you believe is required or have come to believe is required to live a life full of purpose and fulfilment.
- Re-entry and Relapse Plan: Explore what you can do in certain situations that you can find yourself in as you move from prison life to outside life and how to handle those situations.
- Healthy Living Plan: Write about what "living healthy" means to you.
- Family and Community Reintegration Plan: This one is about the issues faced as you transition from prison back to your family and community.
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- Community Service Plan: Things you plan to do to become active in your community after.
- Accomplishments While Incarcerated: Make a list of the things you have done while in prison or the things you would like to accomplish while in prison.
Each of these documents must be at least one (1) page long. They refer to you personally and to how you will or might want to handle these particular situations. Each document is worth four (4) hours for a total of twenty four (24) hours toward your quarterly quota.
Hours: You are required to complete 305 hours per quarter totalling 1220 hrs to complete the program. These hours are divided by domain. Each domain has a minimum set of hours. If you have more hours in a quarter than required in a specific domain they do not carry over to the following quarter. There are many ways to obtain your hourly quota. For example: classes, committee meetings, community service, job assignment, community meetings, pod meetings, personal exercise, chapel services, educational programs. (All programs outside the FCB program must be approved by the FCB Supervisor in order to count towards your quota.)
Journaling: Journaling is mandatory in the FCB Program. You will be required to keep a daily journal the entire time you are in the program. You must write at least half a page daily, Monday thu Friday, and all entries must be dated. You will receive 1/2 hour daily towards your hourly quota. Failure to maintain your journal is considered non-participation and you are subject to expulsion from the program. You are required to bring your journal to all FCB classes.
Seminars: You are required to attend one seminar per quarter. There will be at least one seminar offered each quarter.
Classes: There are two types of classes offered in the Faith and Character Based program. The first type, are the eleven mandatory classes. All mandatory classes must be completed before you graduate from the program. Mandatory classes take priority over other classes. The second type is, the electives. There is no fixed number of electives and the classes offered vary from month to month. Electives are used to round out your hourly requirements and continue your opportunities for growth. All Classes are two hours per session unless otherwise specified.
Mandatory Classes:
- The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
- Inside Out Dads
- Beyond Anger
- Life Mapping
- Quest
- Credit and Debt Management
- Employability
- Personal Finance Management
- From the inside Out
- Houses of Healing
- Victim Impact
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Electives May Include:
- Celebrate Recovery
- Civics 101
- Creative Writing
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Fireproof Your Marriage
- Courageous
- Purpose Driven Life
- Developing a Small Business
- Small Business Concepts
- Leadership Lab
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
- Creative Art
- Personal Investment Management
- The Anger Workbook
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Rules and Regulations
This program is designed to offer you a variety of activated and classes (both religious and secular) if you are committed to expanding personal growth and development. Every inmate in the Faith and Character Based Program is required to comply with all of the rules and regulations indicated in the "Inmate Orientation Handbook" and all Chapter 33 Rules.
The program rules will not contradict the institutional rules and regulations. These rules are program orientated and are consistent with the program goals of personal growth for each inmate. Violation of program rules may result in an extra classroom assignment or an incomplete on a participation log. Total failure to comply with the program rules will indicate a personal problem (whether it be an attitude, emotional or other) that may result in removal from the program. Remember, you volunteered to accept these rules.
There are two levels of offenses considered in the program, greater offenses and lesser offenses. Greater offenses are those that will cause the participant to be removed from the program. These are the Zero Tolerance Rules.
- NO physical assault or fighting
- NO use or possession of cell phones, cell phone chargers, tattooing devices, or paraphernalia of said material
- NO use or possession of unauthorized drugs, aromatic stimulants, alcohol, tobacco, or paraphernalia for the manufacture or use of said material
- NO sexual assault, immoral sexual behaviour, or material promoting said activities
- NO Stealing
- NO cheating on assignments
Lesser offenses are those that are disruptive or disrespectful to the community. These offenses will be referred to the FCB committee for consideration and may result in any of the following consequences:
- Private apology
- Public or community apology
- Writing and presenting an essay on the topic of the infraction
- Extra cleaning duty assignments in the dorm
- Referral to the FCB committee for greater consequences or expulsion from the program
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- ONE chair per participant.
- NO feet on the benches or chairs.
- NO laundry on blue chairs or benches.
- NO chairs in rooms.
- NO working out with chairs.
- NO saving sears in the TV area.
- NO chairs between benches with the exception of Community Meetings and classes.
- NO leaning back in chairs.
- When you are finished using a chair put it away.
- Please handle chairs with care, don't drag or slam the chairs.
- TV volume will be maintained at a maximum of 50, and will be reduced during commercial breaks
- Spanish news will be shown from 5:30PM to 6:00PM Monday thru Friday
- All TV programs are subject to vote with the EXCEPTION of any championship sporting event as approved by Chapter 33 Rules
- The remote control will not be continuously held by one person
- Tables must be put up by 10:00PM 7 days a week
- There will be no sitting on any table
- When you are finished using a folding table, put it away
- Two unexcused absences in any class will be considered non-participation. Removal from class for non-participation will result in your having to make up any hours that were represented by that class with essays and your still having to take that class the following quarter on top of your regular schedule or it may result in your removal from the FCB program.
- If there is class in session in the dayroom, all participants who are not attending the class are required to vacate the area.
- Community Meetings, Committee Meetings, and Pod Meetings are MANDATORY attendance subject to non-participation rules.
- Must be dressed Class "B" in the dayroom and hallway during class time. Must be dressed Class "A" in G.E.D. room and Chapel for class.
- There will be no excessive movement in the hallway if class is in session, that includes walking laps around the class.
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- Games will not be played in the dayroom, while class is in session in the dayroom.
- Games will not be played in the hallway, while class is in sessions in the hallway.
- NO dominos will be played from Monday thru Friday 8:00AM until 5:00PM while there is a class in session in the hallway or dayroom.
- No dominos will be played on the weekends before Noon.
- ALL games are to be played QUIETLY.
- The FCB Library is a privilege and not a right any abuse of the library can result in library privileges being suspended or revoked.
- Only four participants in library at a time (excluding librarians).
- No hanging out and/or soliciting in library. Get your books and go. Other people are waiting.
- While in normal operating rules the FCB library will be open from 6:00PM to 9:00PM seven days a week (subject to officer availability).
- While in alternate operating rules the Wing Librarian will take requests in the evenings to go and get books for you.
- You can only have two books checked out at any given time.
- Inmates from Wing 3 are not permitted library access, any participant checking books out for Wing 3 Inmates will have their library privileges revoked.
- The majority of the books are donated by other participants and should not be mistreated.
- Do not write in library books or fold pages of books to mark spots. Bookmarks are available upon request.
- No food or drink allowed in library.
- You will be in Class A uniform to go to the FCB library.
- NO blankets or sheets in cell doorway unless the P.R.E.A. screen is in use and then only at HALF-DOOR height, to be utilized for privacy while bathroom is in use.
- NO sleeping during the hours of 8:00AM thru 5:00PM with the exception of food service workers and confinement orderlies with odd hours (night shift).
- All houseman and participants assigned to cleaning duties are required to fulfil their job duties subject to non-participation and removal from program.
- NO showering between the hours of 8:00AM thru 5:00PM with the exception of food service workers or others authorized by staff.
- Cells will be inspection ready during the hours of 8:00AM through 5:00PM Monday thru Friday.
- You will show respect to all staff, volunteers, facilitators, and all other FCB participants.
- Do not threaten anyone with violence.
- Do not yell at, belittle, or ridicule anyone
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- Do not make unfounded accusations against others.
- Be honest with everyone.
- You will respect the property of others.
- You will maintain all information shared by others in the program with confidentiality and shall not disclose any information without the expressed permission of the individual.
- You will not disparage (criticize) the religious, spiritual beliefs of others. Nor will you criticize the non-belief of others.
- You will be prompt to scheduled program classes and activities and to any assigned meetings and will be prepared for all classes as instructed.
- Class participation is expected and there will be no sleeping during class.
- There will be no excessive movement during classroom hours.
- All program participants will follow the instructions given by facilitators and designated instructors.
- You will ensure that you immediate living area is clean, neat and orderly, as well as help when requested to keep any common areas neat and clean.
- The use of profanity or other derogatory language is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
- You will not display offensive material, printed or otherwise or sexually explicit materials or those that are demeaning or derogatory towards others.
- Your behavior outside of the dorm should represent the community.
- Keep noise level at a minimum. There is to be no shouting across the dorm. Be especially attentive when in the dayroom where people are trying to use the phone and watch TV.
- No trash is to be left in the showers or debris left at the water fountain. Dispose of your trash properly.
- Before exiting the dorm during your assigned class time please inform the facilitator or designated instructor of your call out or credit may not be given.
- No headwear, headphones or sunglasses are permitted during Class, Community Meetings, Pod Meetings or any FCB community functions.
- Reverence during public prayer is required. You do not have to participate but please respect the other person's prayer with silence.
- There is NO GAMBLING permitted in the dormitory.
- If you make a mess, clean it up.
You as a participant have or will receive a copy of the Program Rules, Behavioral Guidelines and Classroom, Library and General Rules and procedures. You are expected to abide by these rules and guidelines. Failure to abide by the rules and guidelines may result in disciplinary action up to and including removal from the Program.
Any deviation from these rules will have prior approval of the FCB Administrative Committee and are subject to change by the FCB Administrative Committee.
K. Murray
Ms. K. Murray, FCB Supervisor
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I _____________________, DC#___________________________, hereby voluntarily agree to participate in the FCB Program to the best of my ability, and will maintain myself in an exemplary manner at all times. I acknowledge that I received a copy of the program rules, behavioral guidelines, and classroom/library/house rules and procedures and that I have read these rules and understand them. I understand that as an FCB program participant I will be expected to abide by the program rules. Failure to abide by the rules may result in disciplinary actions and removal from the program. Specifically I will:
______ Adhere to all rules of the Department of Corrections [Chapter 33], Okeechobee Correctional Institution [Institutional Policy] and comply with all written and verbal instructions of Institutional Security Personnel, Administrative Staff and Volunteer Staff;
______ submit myself to and comply with the specific rules, policies and procedures of the FCB Program;
______ maintain confidentiality with all information disclosed by other participants; and,
______ maintain the integrity of the established curriculum and structure of the FCB Program.
I have read and understand the curriculum and structure of the FCB Program and understand that it is mandatory that I participate in all classes, make up all classes that I miss due to valid callout, visits or job related functions, and attend all pod meetings, community meeting, and committee meetings.
I have read and understand the FCB Program Rules, Zero Tolerance Rules, Class Rules and General Dormitory Rules.
I understand that any failure on my part to fulfil my obligations will regard to this agreement may result in my being counseled and/or removed from the FCB Program through the established policy and procedures. By my signature I agree to all the foregoing.
______________________ Participant Signature
______________________ DC Number
______________________ Date
______________________ FCB Program Aide/Facilitator
______________________ DC Number
______________________ Date
______________________ Ms. K. Murray, Program Supervisor
______________________ Date
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