My God, My Father
O my glorious Love
You saved me from the dark
My gracious, caring God
You healed my broken heart.
I cursed you for my pain
You loved me even so.
I begged for it to end
You held me closer still.
I cried out in loneliness
You whispered gently,
"I love you"
The clouds broke up, the sun poured through
Your love shining down on me.
My steps now light, my heart now full
of your endless joy and peace.
I hope you enjoyed my little poem. I look forward to your comments. God bless you all.
Peace and love. :)
Comment on this site or write me here:
Donny Welch #1375713
McConnell Unit
3001 S. Emily Dr.
Beeville, TX 78102
Or email me at www.jpay.com for the price of a stamp.
2021 jan 28
2019 may 28
2018 dec 4
2018 dec 4
2018 oct 18
2018 oct 18
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