The Opioid Crisis
We have to realize something: history repeats itself. There is nothing new under the sun that hasn't been done already. Just sometimes it's done through a different way.
Which leads me to the '80s and '90s AIDS and crack epidemic. People were dying and tremendously addicted. People did their fundraisers, etc. But I don't remember our government releasing out millions out to help the epidemic. Yes, there was scientific research. But still, there was not a lot of money from the government backing them.
So what am I getting at. Why so much money for the Opioid Crisis? When this didn't happen for the crack and AIDS epidemic. Currently, we are in an AIDS epidemic right now.
Is it because a majority of the opioid victims dying are white. What if the majority of them were African Americans? Would these millions of dollars been used for the Opioid Crisis then? It surely wasn't when the African Americans were suffering from the crack epidemic in the '80s and '90s.
I know you're saying: have you had a child die on opioid needles? Absolutely not. But how many parents' children died from a crack overdose in the '80s and '90s? They had to deal with it because the government didn't care. Nobody cared for them or their child's behalf. The whites stood by in the sidelines. We got to pass laws that will tighten up on crack sales and get these criminals off the street for good. Now the shoes have been flipped on the whites. Nobody is saying "We got to pass laws that will tighten on opioid sales and get these criminals off the streets for good." To a certain extent, passing laws on the sales of opioid.
You can call this a racist article or whatever you want to because it's the core of the truth.
All of sudden, the whites want to follow my poor children or family member. Want everybody to feel sorrow for your loved one? Who chooses to take their own life? I been that addict on painkillers and tried to overdose. But if I died, who would have been at fault? Myself. Not the government or my family. I surely wouldn't want the government or my family to have a pity party. Because it would have been all me because I didn't choose to deal what was wrong with me.
America, UK, and the continents who have opioid problems need to deal with their own psychological and social problems. You have to deal with what is wrong with you. This unnecessary spending to deal with the Opioid Crisis is not logical.
Now if you say I am making sure if there are more psychiatric doctors in their area to help. How many can attest to this? Sometimes they can't help you. It only makes your condition worse. I've been there. After I saw my psychiatric doctor or therapist, the voices in my head only got worse. You will never come out of this, nobody loves you, and you might as well end it all. Besides nobody loves you or cares about what you're going through.
I am no longer an addict to opioids. What keeps me from going back is self-talk in a positive way. You don't have to take that kind of help. You are better than that. You are somebody special. It doesn't matter what the negative people say about you. Girl, you are scary. You are loved by many and girl, hold your head up. You're coming out of this.
So people, we don't have an Opioid Crisis. We have a crisis of people who don't want to be free of their addiction. We got to stop having pity parties for them. Okay?
Written by
Jennifer Johnson
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