July 13, 2018
by William Goehler (author's profile)

Replies (2) Replies feed

Sigard Posted 6 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Hailsa! Awesome reply I needed to read this today. Mental warfare at a peak for the past few days. Why is it that we ( or I ) have endeavoured into this study of psychology? Is it not to know yourself? And then what? For some it's a Behaviour modification. Such as my self.. the state of mind I'm in now, a year ago would have me neck deep in a bottle BUT that is out of the question for now. You ever see a guy fighting with himself verbally? And we use to think now there's a nutcase. But the thing is we all have this self talk going on in our heads only most do it in a less conspicuous manner.
Thank you for post the Tarot lessons as well. I enjoyed them immensely. The breathing exorcise being compared to a Bellows wow spectacular. Yes Behaviour Modification. My Behaviour is being modified. My reactions are different.
As for your Psychology class. Secular academics as a school/ class ect.. for the most part is a compromise of one's own imagination to the dictates of a controlled environment. There are rules even for proffessers that the guide lines must be adhered to. Going outside of those brings about the loss of employment. Same as in the Clergy as we both know. You did well in not compromising your Value for his bullshit. Again Behaviour Modification. To walk out was good enough I think, rather than to head butt the poser in front of all those witnesses..
Anyway waiting on the mail man here.
In Frith, SIG

William Goehler Posted 6 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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