Sept. 19, 2018
by William Goehler (author's profile)


William Goehler #K77832
POW 409020, A2-233
Lone, Califelony, 95640

Q33: How is life like a game? What does a game consist of?
A33: A game consists of freedoms, barriers, and purposes. The reason for existence (Be/Do/Have) is the same reason as one has to play a game: Interest, Contest, Activity and Possession.

Q34: How are total barriers and total freedom similarly cruel?
A34: They produce a No Game condition. When the relation between freedom and barriers becomes too unbalanced, and then unhappiness results.

Q35: How can the "freedom amongst" principle be applied by executive business and government?
A35: The restrictions of government or a job give an employee his freedom - without known restrictions, an employee is a slave doomed to the fears of uncertainty. If barriers are known and the freedoms are known, there can be life, livingness and corresponding happiness, "freedom amongst" CERTAINTIES.

Q36: Give an example from your experience in which a manager balanced or failed to balance freedom and barriers.
A36: Here in prison, housing-unit managers impose ridiculously good control, e.g. take pictures out of your cell door when you leave your cell or else have the officer go into your cell to do it for you - and search the cell for other "rule" violations while they're at it...makes a good game.

Q37: Define Pan-determinism
A37: Determining the activities of two or more sides in a game simultaneously. The willingness of an individual to determine the action of self and others. The ability to determine the course of the decision about. An individual who is Pan-determined is determined across the 8-dynamics.

Q38: Give an example of an activity in which you have been Pan-determined.
A38: Establishing a Scientology Prison Outreach model required playing a game with status quo managers. It was necessary to understand students' ability, vis-à-vis SP chaplain games vs established purpose of Scientology. For me to strategically create Actions wherein to document certain realities at a sufficient gradient to attract Interest, Contest, Activity and Possession - all while keying-in personal serfac* aberrations I needed to handle...from my own, to other students, to SP chaplain, to professional Scientologists as well. Best game ever! 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Exchange by Dynamics Product.

Q39: What happens when a person does not have enough problems? How could you handle this?
A39: The war of purposes give us what we call 'problems'. Without problems in the game of life, life becomes purposeless, random, chaotic. Ergo, any game is better than no game! Invent problems. People suffer when they lack counter purposes, interest, activity and havingness. Take freedoms, barriers, and purposes into consideration - and balance them.

Q40: Why is the power of choice an essential element in any game?
A40: A being is Pan-determined about any game to which he is senior (cause). He is self-determined only in a game to which he is junior (effect). Games consist of freedoms, barriers, purposes, and most importantly: INTEREST! Games trap without the power of choice over participation. one is trapped by these things to which he will not grant havingness.*

*w/c(38) Serfac: Service Facsimile: "Service" because they serve - my purpose. "Facsimiles" because they are in mental image picture form. They explain disabilities. The facsimile part is actually a self-installed disability that "explains" I am not responsible for not being able to cope. Part of the "package" is to be right by making other wrong.

* w/c (40) Havingness: can be simply defined as ARC with the environment.

Q41: What is the structure, or anatomy of confusion?
A41: Random motion/any set of factors or circumstances which do not seem to have any immediate solution. A confusion is only a confusion so long as no factor is clearly defined and understood.

Q42: Give an example that demonstrates The Doctrine of the Stable Datum.
A42: Confusion is the basic cause of stupidity. To live life, one has to be able to stand up to confusion and take it apart, i.e. observe and get into ARC with the game purpose - counter purpose. Establishing the "game" of life as the stable datum makes sense of the randomities involved. The one thing selected and used becomes the stable datum for the remainder.

Q43: How does a lack or ability to handle confusion define certainty, intelligence and security?
A43: Certainty is a lack of confusion. Intelligence is ability to handle confusion. Security is the ability to go through or around or to bring order to confusion. Certainty, intelligence and security determine the degree of ability to handle confusion.

Q44: Give an example from your experience where you demonstrated certainty and intelligence in your actions or activities.
A44: RLUIPA* provides religious rights in prisons, yet when SP chaplains violate RLUIPA and prisoners litigate to resolve the SP problem, the prisoner will be transferred and thus the legal grievance is made moot. The confusions involved in pan-determining my SPO ambition factored in the stable datum that it was merely a game. This stable datum made EVERY confusion understandable and that corresponding security permitted me to succeed and not become trapped in a games condition.*

Q45: What is the difference between "good control" and "bad control"?
A45: Good control is certain, positive, predictable vis-à-vis Bad control (i.e. no control) is uncertain, variable, unpredictable. With good control one can be certain. With bad control one is never certain.

Q46: What does intention have to do with good and bad control.
A46: Intention - as a component part of communication, seeks to control particles in motion in accord with the game purpose. Without understanding the game freedoms, barriers and purposes, the intention will be to simply destroy confusion (bad control). The "intention" to BE THERE and COMMUNICATE is equated good or bad by the degree or Understanding involved.

Q47: What happens when a stable datum is shaken? Give an example.
A47: When the stable datum is shaken, confusion ensues. For instance, in my SPO game, the SP chaplain states he is there to be of help, yet the disparity of his control reveals bad management of ability, and corresponding confusion which cause many of his aspiring constituents to blow* - overwhelmed by confusion.

Q48: Give an example of a stable datum you could adopt for an activity or area of your life.
A48: The only example I know is: We are Eternal - spiritual beings having this human experience. Always remember: Life is a game. Every activity therein demonstrates Understanding:

*w/c (44) RLUIPA: Religious Land Use in Prisons Act
*w/c (44) Games Condition: It means a fixated attention - an inability to escape coupled with an inability to attack, to the exclusion of other games.
*w/c (47) Blow: leave, rush away, cease to be where one should really be.

Q49: What abilities are needed to successfully hold a job?
A49: The ability to control his work and be controlled in doing his work, as well as leave certain areas uncontrolled. A vital part of success is the ability to handle and control not only one's tools of the trade, but the people with whom one is surrounded.

Q50: What are the ingredients of successful work? Explain.
A50: A-R-C equates to Understanding. One must be capable of a very high level of Affinity, he must be able to tolerate massive Realities, and he must be as well, be able to give and receive Communication to provide for the training and experience work requires. Work, in essence, is simply the handling of effort, the use of effort, an "activity with purpose".

Q51: Why is work the stable datum of society?
A51: Any game is better than no game. Any activity with purpose can be considered "work", but in actuality it's all just a game. Work is the stable datum in a slave society, because thetans have forgot the value of playing games and: without something to DO/BE/HAVE there is nothing for which to live.

Q52: Do you agree that productive people are in fact indispensable in the workplace? Explain.
A52: Indeed; productive people are important pillars upon which the entire structure of our civilisation is erected. The Actual Cycle of Action is all about CREATION and consists of various activities borne upon productive people.

Q53: Define a "true group".
A53: A "true group" is one which has ideals ethics, rationale and a thrust to carry forth its ideals and rationale on the ethics stranded it has selected.

Q54: What is the individuals responsibility in terms of contribution to the group? What is the groups responsibility to the individual?
A54: The group has the perfect right to demand the help, life or in a continuing sense - the energy and devotion of any member. And any member has the right to demand the most and highest level of the ideals, rationale and ethics of the group be maintained. The individual has the right to contribute to the group and the group has the right to expect every individual to contribute.

Q55: What is a manager's responsibility tot he ideal and ethic on which the group operates?
A55: He must be able to see and embrace the ideal attainment of the goal as envisioned by the goal maker. He must be able to tolerate and better the practical attainments which its members may be capable. (S-)He must strive to narrow, always, the ever-existing gulf between the ideal and the practical.

Q56: How should a good and skilled manager lead others?
A56: Creatively and persuasively! He must realise that a primary mission is the full and honest interpretation by himself of the ideal and ethic and their goals and aims to his subordinates and the group itself - as spelled out in the group's Strategic Administrative Scale. He must lead, creatively and persuasively, towards these goals. He must always attain to the highest creative reality.


Replies (2) Replies feed

mermaidesmerelda Posted 4 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Hey hope you are well. I am living in Miami and I'm 27 years old. I like to swim and karaoke a lot... what are your hobbies and interests? I'm a swim instructor but my business is down right now. I am looking forward to getting some gig leads and do some lessons soon. I hope you have a productive week friend!

William Goehler Posted 4 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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