9/21 Return TFOT course to Rock (prefers to be called Chris, now). Expressed his interest in the WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY tome, at the end of the course - wondering if BRIDGE would send it to him. Dude! I explained, nothing is free, Bridge Consultant is only interested in sales stats, and will once again e-mail SPO-VM-T. I've got that tome for group reference. VM-T purchased your course - so express Interest there first.
9/22 Started TFOT in order to be in ARC with Chris, if/when need be. Notified Missy no longer in Control of my art production for stolen kitchen scraps and ice-chips. Aghast reaction. Xerox 10 memo of 9/22. Counsel R. in re Retreating from life (Pain Sources), indicate MisUnderstoods. Explain "Pan Determinism" understands conditions of pain sources. Asked him to write-up his impression of Psychotropic Killers.
9/23 Delivered/mailed Memo. Alerted Willy Wisely I have collection of Ext. Courses now, if he is interested, even though he never once attended SPO (due to Law suit from being barred from the chapel when his PTS cond. got him transfered years ago). Queried B. regarding his Criminon course I provided. Been occupied with other matters - but genuinely expressed gratitude for my persistent concern. Much the same as Marky - whose ethics are in far far worse condition. I will introduce him to the Conditions in SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE for him to do the formulas.
9/24 All day on TFOT course. (No group - no supervision).
9/25 Working on TFOT at 0600 - cell door opens. Went to Stockton Hospital to remove the * growth from my right temple. First time out in... years! Open fields of oak trees brought tears. Home sick of open space. Entering city limits - sudden agitation. Conducted up-tone interviews in holding tank, catching up on news from other facilities. Dr. grumbling about inept 'managers' in bureaucracy fail to deliver correct supplies, immediately gave me confidence. I had to validate with my: Mediocrity is the seal of socialism. Then queried, I wonder what Meritocracy looks like. Doc replied: there's never been one. How unfortunate for humanity, I said. Yes, was all I heard under more grumbling. I never felt safer under a scalpel. Apparently, Ad-Seg has e-Tablets now, my interview revealed. Everyone out there on this field trip have their nose in tablets - or cell phones to their ear. "Look at everyone not where they are at", I said to my armed escort. I wonder what life would look like if not for fiat currency economy, I mused. More peaceful, she said.
9/26 Awoke to finish lesson 4 TFOT. Wondering how C will try to achieve desire for What Is Scn. tome. Please impress me with merit, I pray. Play the Game. Open chapel at 0900 while I'm at the table on the yard doing pirated TFOT course. Check to see Younis - who naturally power plays i/e control. Max arrives 1030, just as yard recall (shortage of staff re-routed) cancels program. Continue TFOT in cell... and await the mailman to see if there's any interest. Yard/Program restored at 1400. Seen Max and discussed his vacation - and my SPO concerns here - and at C-facility. He invited me to Bible Study 1430-1530.
[Inmate Assignment Cards showing his new and old assignment]
9/26 Non. E. Formula Xerox memo succeeded to re-assign me to previous job. LOL Interesting Times indeed! Cut off Sissy control and materialist jabber for artwork. Gawd I hate Merchants - usurping control, other determining my creative productions - not otherwise sent out to loved ones. Need fan, need coffee, need currency on my shelves - on deaf ears? Then, since I couldn't accept sinecure post "quietly" on the down low (LOL) - but rather accepting Responsibility of post duties to the gen. population as Answer Guy, I'm out $50/mo stipend. I've got clean hands though.
Clearly state the service or item requested or reason for interview:
I was assigned to Clk.026.001 Special Purchase Order Clerk, on 9/15/18. Neither Building Officers nor C/O Leninger (OBA 2/W) understand my job description and requested that I obtain a copy.
Please provide me with a copy of the job description for: Clk.026.001 ASAP. Thank you.
See your supervisors on this issue.
9/27 And so goes the mechanism of mediocrity in this leviathan Dept of Correction and Rehabilitation? Ironic, isn't it? I often wonder what the world would look like if Hitler had won the war to-ward Uebermensch ambitions. Instead, we have the very opposite of a merit system: Jesus help us. Psychotropic meds increased 25% in the past 5 years... for some reason.
Ez 33
More inmates taking meds for mental health issues
The number of offenders in county jails on psychotropic medications increased 25 percent in 45 California counties in the past five years, reports California Health Policy Strategies (CHPS) for Kaiser Health News.
The Kaiser Health News report shows that a shortage of community-based treatment centers have made county jails a warehouse for mentally ill people.
A separate report by the Council On Mentally Ill Offenders (COMIO) found that the mental health prison population grew from 19 percent in 2006 to 30 percent in 2016.
Since the report was released, COMIO swapped names, becoming the Council on Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health (CCJBH).
CCJBH also notes that the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that 25 to 40 percent of people with mental illness will be jailed or incarcerated at some point in their lives.
Each year, there are an estimated two million jail admissions in the United States that involve individuals with acute mental illness.
"Jails are not conducive for real recovery", said Zima Creason, president and chief executive officer of Mental Health America of California. "We are never going to put a dent in the numbers unless we provide a therapeutic environment."
Kaiser Health News, however, reports that California jail officials believe they are getting better at identifying inmates that can benefit from medication.
Medications are the most critical part of treatment, says H. Richard Leach, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the USC School of Medicine, but "you need enough mental health professionals to treat the very large number of mentally ill people in jails."
Advocates for the mentally ill are concerned that psychiatric medication may be prescribed inappropriately.
Ron Honberg, senior policy adviser at NAMI, said officials with limited resources and the large number of inmates may cause psychiatric medications to be administered to "keep people calm and sedate".
The Los Angeles County jail is described as the largest mental institution in the country.
Kaiser Health News also reported that Joseph Ortego, chief psychiatrist for correctional health in L.A. County, said that the county has improved identification and treatment of mentally ill inmates.
Creason said that jails should provide more individual and group therapy, more time outside of cells and sufficient recreation for mentally ill inmates.
Ortego said jails do not have the necessary space for therapy.
"Sadly, they just throw a bunch of pills at them because there is nothing else", Creason said.
- Jesse Vasquez
10% more of the prison population in 10 years? Is it contagious? Or is it simply that the incentives are so appealing?
These are your future neighbors out there. The product of tax dollars - from tax payers who don't question "authority".
If anyone else would like a peek into the future, research the past, just prior to WWII in Germany. Read the book: "PSYCHIATRISTS: THE MEN BEHIND HITLER - THE ARCHITECTS OF HORROR", by Dr. T. Roder, ISBN 0-9648909-1-7.
I don't know what else to say.
* Gen 4:15? Excised!
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