Dec. 24, 2018

i am we wednesday

From Lessons Learned by Antoine Murphy (author's profile)


Date: 12/13/2018 7:35:07 AM
Subject: I am we Wednesday


precious daughter

i'm still here. was prayin 2 get on the bus n go 2 a new location but it wasn't in god's plam. was upset 4
like4hrs but I got over it. god reminded me that my bein here ,in rgci,is an answer 2 prayer, so looks like
i'll be here 2 MARCH. time 2 make the most of it Figure i'll finish ruff draftin the memoir n continue
learning how 2 write.
meanwhile gottta grow in character. right when I thought I was doin ok more difficult people came into
my life. apparently work/jobs were created 2 test us/try our patience among other things. sometimes I
just do my job while zonin out. frustrating 2 tell somebody how 2 do somethin only 2 have them do the
complete opposite /what they want 2 do. but truth b told i'm supper guilty of doin this very thng 2 god.
guess that makes me a hypocrite

meanwhile I cant wait 2 b part of a new church. I'm "churched out"here. no growth just a bunch of
dudes who acknowledge gods existence but that's bout it

priska I know that you had some experience where u wish I was there.
sorry I cpuldn't b
hurts I cant b there 2 celebrate life n its milestones with u

god is always there. give him ur pains,hurts,disappointments,joys,good news etc

its almost over

see u soon


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danielle Posted 6 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
so positive. There is a reason for everything. Growth is painful, but it sounds like you're making it through and making the best out of the situation you are in. God is good, but you know that. Hang in there man, this too shall pass!!

Antoine Murphy Posted 6 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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