July 14, 2019
by William Goehler (author's profile)


4 July 19

Just in case you're wondering about the "definitions" I'm posting the following A through Z for you to consider and discuss with me here. You may also learn more at www.twth.org, and then tell me what you think.

Definitions for


Extension Course

(C) Copyright 2003 L. Ron Hubbard Library. All rights Reserved

ACQUIRING To get of gather. (Acquiring money)
ADAMANT Hard, not giving in; insistent, refusing any other opinion.
ADMIRATION To look up to, think well of; give high value in status to someone. (Admiration for the President was noticed by others)
AFFECTED Influence or change on something or somebody; Stir the feelings of someone. (The movie affected me.)
APPLY To do something; Practice something after you learned it.
APPRECIATION Think highly of something. (Appreciation of music.) Recognize the worth of someone or something.
ARISTOCRACY Government ruled by an elite few who are above the law; those with special privileges, rank or position; a group who by birth of position are "superior" to everybody else and feel that the law applies to others and not themselves

BEAR Carry, hold up or support, put up with (bear the burden).
BELIEF What is held to be true; acceptance of a statement as true or false.
BENEVOLENCE Desire to promote the happiness of others; good or kindly
BENIGN Kindly in feeling, favorable, not dangerous
BLOSSOM To open or develop
BOOR A person who is rude, clumsy, or has little manners.

CHAOTIC Total disorder or confusion
COMPASSION Sympathy for someone else's suffering with the desire to help.
COMPETENT Able to do well those things one does; capable; skilled in doing what one does; measuring up to the demands of one's activities
COMMUNICABLE Pass along, transmitted.
COMPROMISE A settlement of differences in which each side gives in on some point while retaining others and reaching a mutual agreement thereby.
CONDUCT Way of acting; behavior.
CONSEQUENCES The outcome of some action; the result of actions taken.
CONSIDERATION Thoughtfulness for other people and their feelings; careful thought before deciding something.
CONTENTION An arguing, statement, or point one has argued for

DATA Facts, information, figures.
DEBTS Something that is owed to another; could be money or favors.
DEFT Quick and skillful in action.
DELUSION False belief or opinion; trick or misleading of the mind.
DEMONSTRATE To explain, prove, or show clearly.
DETER To prevent or discourage.
DETERMINE To decide or settle something ahead of time; to find out by watching or checking on something. (To determine which way to go)
DIGNITY The state of being Noble, worthy, or honorable.
DILEMMA A difficult problem of choice.(He was in a dilemma over what job to take.)
DISSERVICE Treat badly; loss, damage, or injury done or caused to a person or thing.
DISCHARGE Unload, release, let go.
DOGMA Belief held or taught as true, especially by the Church.
DOLE The British term for government aid or relief.

ENGAGING Very attractive (an engaging smile); to keep one-self busy; pledge or promise or contract. (engaging oneself in something); lock together. (engage in gear); Start a battle with or attack; occupy (engage in work).
ENVIRONMENT One's surroundings, the things around one; the area one lives in; the living things, objects, space, with which one lives.
ETHICAL Having to do with the standard of right and wrong; morally right; weighing what is the greatest good for all in the decision making process.
ETHICS The knowledge of right and wrong; the conduct, duty, and judgement that deals with right and wrong.
EVIL The opposite of good, and is anything which is destructive more than it is constructive; a thing or person that is destructive more than it creates good.
EVIL INTENTIONED EVOLUTIONARY Related to a very ancient theory that all plants and animals developed from simpler forms and were shaped by their surroundings, rather than being planned or created; also a developing os something.
EXAMPLE Someone or something worthy of imitation or duplication; a patter, a model for something; ( He gave an example of how to brush your teeth.)
FAITH Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material (real life) evidence
FAIRNESS Free of favoritism; just to all parties involved; consistent with rules, logic, or ethics
FALSE Something not true
FALSE DATA Information that is not true. someone may be doing something in life and think it is the correct things only to find they have been fed false information or have made a decision on information that is incorrect.
FALSE WITNESS To give testimony or evidence that is not true

FLAGRANT Glaringly, outrageous, offensive; (Flagrant error).
FLOURISH To be in a state of activity and production; expanding in influence; thriving; visibly doing well.
FULFILL Carry out a promise; perform a duty or carry to a law.
GOLDEN RULE Basically it applies to the individual on a personal basis in that when doing something, you ask yourself, would I like this done to me? The positive version of this is "Treat others as you would want them to treat you."
GOVERNMENT Rule or authority over a country; process of directing or controlling the actions and affairs of people as a group; Local, State, and Federal Government.
HANDLING Getting to the source or root of something and taking it and sorting it out so it can be resolved; take something and resolve it.
HAPPINESS a state of contentment, pleasure, cheerful and joyful; being untroubled; having nice things happen to one.
HONESTY Being truthful; refusal to lie, steal, cheat, or misrepresent oneself.
HONOR To show respect for; to treat with deference and courtesy
IMMORAL Not moral; not following good practices of behavior; lacking any idea of proper conduct.
IMPAIR Make worse, damage, harm, or weaken.
IMPERILS Pt in danger; jeopardize something.
IMPLACABLE Not open to being quieted, soothed, or pleased; remorseless, relentless; refusing to be satisfied, or to make agreements;
INCOMPETENCE Lacking adequate knowledge or skill or ability; unskilled; incapable; subject to making big errors and mistakes; bungling.
INCURS Brings on oneself (He incurs many debts.)
INDUSTRIOUS Applying oneself with energy to study or work; actively and purposefully getting things done; opposite of being idle and accomplishing nothing.
INFLUENCE The resulting effect
INFLUENCES Something or someone what has an effect on something.
IRREVERSIBLE Can't be put back. (Death is irreversible)
INTEGRITY Honesty ad sincere uprightness and knowing what is ethical.
INTENTION The purpose or thought of someone. (His intention was to win.)
JUSTNESS In accordance with what is right and honest; fair.
LIES False statements or pieces of information deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood; anything meant to deceive or give the wrong impression.
LOGIC Reasoning about something; sound sense; science of proof.
LOYALTY Feeling of faithfulness; true to promises or duty.
MACHINE Arrangement of fixed or moving parts for doing work; group of people controlling something such as an organization (Together they made a good working machine.)
MALICE Intent to commit an act of evil thought out beforehand.
MATERIALISM The theory that all action, thought, and feeling can be explained by the movement and changes of matter. The opinion that only physical matter exists. The theory seeks to explain away such things as minds by saying that they can be reduced to physical things or their motions.
MECHANISM the view that all life is only matter in motion and can totally be explained by physical laws. The theory that everything in the universe is produced and can be explained by mechanical or material forces.
MORAL Able to know right from wrong in conduct (in the way you act); deciding and acting from that understanding.
MORALE The mental and emotional attitude of a group or individual; sense of well being; a sense of common purpose; willingness to get on with it.
MURDER The unlawful killing of one or more human being(s) by another, especially with malice aforethought. (intending to do so before the act.)
NONSURVIVAL Something or someone that is not working towards the greatest good for all; not living very well, not succeeding.
OBLIGATION The state, fat, or condition of being indebted to another for a special service, or favor received; a duty, contract, promise, or any other social, moral, or legal requirement that binds one to follow or avoid a certain course of action; the sense of owing another. Condition or fact of owing another something in return for things, favors, or services received.
OBSERVING To look at or see what is going on.
PENALTY Punishment by the law; punishments brought about by different things such as in games. (The penalty was 5 yards); (Penalty of old age.)
PHENOMENON An observable fact or event.
PILLORIED Exposed to ridicule, public scorn, contempt, and abuse.
POLITENESS Having or showing good manners in social situations.
PRACTICE To exercise or perform repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill.
PRECAUTIONS Steps you can take to make sure something is reasonably safe; doing things to make it safer or cleaner or healthier for yourself or others.
PRECEPTS Rules or statements laying down a principle or principles, or a course of action regarding conduct; directions meant as a rule or rules for conduct.
PRODUCTION The act of completing something; finishing a task, project, or object that is useful or valuable or simply worth doing or having.
PROHIBITION Law or order that prevents or stops you from doing something.
PROMISCUOUS Casual, random sexual relations.
PROPAGANDA Spreading ideas, information or rumor to further one's own cause, and/or injure that of another, often without regard to truth; the act of putting to lies in the press or on radio and TV so that when person comes to trial, he will be found guilty; the action of falsely damaging a person's reputation so he will not be listened to.
PROPAGANDIST A person or group who does, makes, or practices propaganda.
PROSPER To achieve economic success; succeeding at what one does.
RATIONALIZATION To find an excuse for, or explanation for one's desires, thoughts, or actions. (His rationalization for failing in life is "I didn't ask to be born.")
RECOIL Draw or shrink back; (Recoil from a snake.)
REFORM Make better, improve by removing faults.
RELIEF Money or goods given by the government to people because of need or poverty.
RESPECT Feel or show honor or high esteem for; high regard.
RESULT That which happens because of something; what is caused; outcome
REVERED Love and deeply respect someone or something. (People revered the great General.)
SAFEGUARD Prevent from being harmed; to protect
SOWS Spreads or scatters. (sow distrust)
STANDARD Anything took as a basis of comparison; model. (Your work is not up to School standard.)
SUBTERFUGES Trick, excuse, or something used to escape something unpleasant. (the headache was as subterfuge to avoid going to school.)
SURVIVAL The act of remaining alive; continuing to exist.
TEMPERATE Not going to extremes; not overdoing things; controlling one's self or cravings.
THEORY Idea or opinion about something; thought about something as opposed to fact or practice; planned or worked out in the mind, not form practical experience.
TOLERANCE A willingness to be tolerant; a putting up with people whose opinions differ with your own.
TOLERATE Allow or permit. (The teacher would not tolerate any fighting.); put up with. (I can't tolerate my nagging Grandmother.)
TOMES A book, especially a large, heavy book
TRUTH That which agrees with the facts and observations; logical answers resulting from looking over all the facts and data; a conclusion based on evidence, influenced by desire, authority, or prejudice; an inevitable (unavoidable) fact no matter how arrived at.
TYRANNICAL The use of cruel, unjust, and absolute power; severe or harsh.

USURP Seize and hold power or position by force or without right. (Usurp the throne)
VANDALISM The willful, malicious and spiteful destruction of public or private property, especially anything beautify or artistic.
VERGE A limiting edge, margin, or bound of something; border.
VIRTUES The ideal qualities in good human conduct. (Kindness and honesty are virtues); a good way to act.
WEIGHT How heavy a thing is; in the "weight of obligation' it means a burden or great load on one's mind about the obligation.
Z Fanatic, a person who shows too much eagerness or zeal.


Replies (1) Replies feed

Erne2017VM Posted 5 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Hi WG:
I don't know what this post means. who you are addressing. great glossary though.
I hope you liked your quarterly. I fb Travis almost daily. having fun. He sez your last few letters you is a happy. good to hear. I wished Destiny would write you. Any mail is better then no mail. Life is very busy here. Much to tell you. Just need to make the time. My roofed is leaking over all our papers in office. I had to move away from big desk. ugh. no fun. Been very heavy rain these days. Finally got the mower out yesterday in between storms. Weed whacking etc. I always wished you were here. So much you could do to help us expand at the 4th Dynamic Humanitarian programs. tons of volunteers needed. Travis's sister got a new aluminum goat yesterday. He is studying boat rules. looks like tons of enjoyment fishing and being in the enviornment. He seems quite tranquil. I sent him some Chaga mushroom tea. He sez it taste just fine. watches the hummingbirds every morning and drinks his morning Chaga or coffee. enjoying several cups daily. Wished I could send you some. seems many of the inmates that write me are artists and writers. written books. one is writing sermons.Did you ever get the new material RJ sent to your facility? 14 July 2019 4:26 pm. sorry about your phone call. I figured you were letting me know the package arrived from Walkenhorst. no money on acct. plus GTL did not come up on caller ID did not know it was you. sorry about clocks. not allowed in your facility. xo xo

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