Date: 7/13/2019 8:57:42 AM
"Denying Inmates Health Care"
The Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) and its medical contractor Centurion of Florida LLC, is violating Federal and State Constitutional Rights under the 8th amendment to be free from cruel and unusual punishment. Yes they are torturing inmates under their care, denying adequate medical treatment and causing "extreme pain and suffering" by denying inmates of pain management and causing "extreme pain and suffering" by denying inmates of pain management medications. This is their new policy, forcing the inmates of all medications as a cost saving measure. Where Centurion can pocket these profits. Yes, that's allowed in their 2018 contract. So the FDOC, and its contract negotiator has approved this unethical profiteering technique. Which is causing grave pain and suffering!!
I'm hearing it from inmates all the time, "Centurion has cut my meds. For instance, I myself have been out of blood pressure meds for over a week. I put in a sick call slip on :-) July 1, wasn't seen by the nurse until July 9 and here I am on July 13th, still waiting on life-saving blood pressure medication. Now if that doesn't reek of irresponsible health care, then I don't know what does! In fact, back here where I'm at, we don't even see a doctor, they send a nurse practitioner back here, as another cost saving measure. Centurion is cutting every corner they can, in order to pocket these taxpayers dollars. And there's no ifs ands or buts about it. This company doesn't care about anything other than the overhead profits, that they're going to earn off the pain and suffering of the inmates out of lifesaving medications for days and weeks. That adds up fast, if you're doing this to 20,000 inmates, and not having to supply 20,000 blood pressure meds a day for a week or two, yes, that's a nice profit. This is a bloodthirsty unethical profiteering corporation that doesn't give a damn about us inmates, or our health care!! And the facts and records unequivocally speak for itself! On top of my blood pressure and other meds being delayed, I've got a torn meniscus and no telling what else in my right knee, a pinched nerve in my hip, not only are they denying me medication, they're denying me access to a specialist. Which seems to be common practice, see case law on CRONIN VS> JONES, 2018 U.S. DIST LEXIS 195755 (M.D. FLA. NOV. 16, 2018). What they are doing to me, they're doing to others. And the same Doctor Campbell in this lawsuit, who I've never seen, took my pain medication back in February, as a profit saving measure. This is a company that clearly doesn't care about real health care, or us inmates. No this company cares only about the almighty American dollar!
The real question is this, "why is our government, paying out money to these big prison corporations, allowing them to earn all this money, when it would be cheaper to hire physicians (like they used to) and handle the medical care in a more responsible and cost-affordable manner? Yes, that's the questions, why do we need these unethical profiteering vultures sucking up tax dollars for profit while we inmates are denied adequate health care. We talk about health care for illegal aliens coming into the country, but we're ignoring this issue here. Where Americans and illegal aliens inside Florida's prisons are suffering at the hands of prison profiteers, where there's this facade of adequate medical treatment. We can't be deaf, dumb and blind, to these blood sucking leaches known as Centurion Of Florida LLC. The more you know .....
Regretfully Submitted a Centurion victim Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
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