Date: 8/20/2019 1:46:52 PM
To: Senators Aaron Bean, Randolph Bracy, Bobby Powell Jr., Lori Berman, Annette Taddeo, House Representatives Carlos Guillermo Smith, Dianne Hart, Anna Eskamani, Kimberley Daniels, Loranne Ausley, Cindy Polo, Shevrin D. Jones, Adam Hattersley, Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Mark Inch, Assistant Regional Director John Palmer.
From: Ronald W. Clark Jr #812974
Union Correctional Institution
PO Box 1000
Raiford, Fl. 32083
Date August 20, 2019
Subject: Retaliation
On Tuesday August 20, 2019 at approximately 8:00 am while on recreation yard 4, here in P-dorm at Union correctional institution, over a dozen of my fellow prisoners approached me at different times, warning me that staff had informed them that this new procedure with the using of the kiosk was the fault of Ronald Clark, and if anyone jumps on him, they didn't see it. Nor would they spray that individual with mace, who jumped on me.
It's this type of reckless unprofessional juvenile behavior that should be unacceptable in the rank and file of the FDOC. I'm more than willing to submit to a polygraph test to support these allegations for you. The inmates do not want their names involved for fear of retaliation from these unethical officers. I believe staff should be required to take a polygraph test as well. I'm not concerned about my fellow prisoners, but I am concerned with this very unprofessional and potentially dangerous behavior. You don't go around instigating and encouraging inmates to commit violent acts as your way of reprising against another inmate, because you don't like what he's writing. This in and of itself is a violation of both state and federal law.
And these same staff members who have done this, is also being allowed to view these outgoing emails. So they will be reading and reviewing this complaint, before you. Which is something else that needs to be addressed, staff in here being able to access read and tamper with these emails. My sync button currently will not work, and I believe staff here is possibly tampering with it, as a result of my writings. For this is the second time my email sync button has went out shortly after a controversial essay. And I know some of these officers, either have knowledge of how to insert a virus, or knows someone who does. And as they've proven today, they will go as far as trying to use my fellow prisoners against me.
I'm not in fear of my life, death row, we are the most laid back of any status, but this behavior isn't acceptable. Wherefore I'm calling for an investigation into this matter and a polygraph test to support these allegations on my behalf, for which the officers should be required to take as well. For without a polygraph, we will never know who ordered this, and how high up the order came. And it is a result of my essays, memos that this retaliatory act was attempted.
I thank you for your time and help.
Sincerely, Ronald W. Clark Jr.
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